Re: [PHP] PHP and HBCI?
am 08.10.2010 14:50:12 von Ashley Sheridan
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Re: PHP and HBCI?
am 08.10.2010 15:22:47 von Stephan Ebelt
On Fri, Oct 08, 2010 at 01:50:12PM +0100, wrote:
> How do you mean? Did you want to process payments? Or wad it more of an
> actual banking thing you needed? I've not heard of hbci before, so can't
> offer much information back.
HBCI is the german Home Banking Computer Interface which is supported by most
banks over here. There are free implementations such as the one used in gnucash
and some other projects:
(sorry, site is german but code is english). I could not find a way to use
something like that from PHP code, only C and Java so far.
My goal for now would be to access bank account statements in order to show the
balances. I am not too eager to issue transactions.
> Thanks,
> Ash
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Stephan Ebelt"
> Date: Fri, Oct 8, 2010 13:37
> Subject: [PHP] PHP and HBCI?
> To: "PHP"
> Hello,
> is there a way to do HBCI banking with PHP?
> stephan
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: PHP and HBCI?
am 08.10.2010 15:31:52 von Stephan Ebelt
wikipedia has a good summary:
I just learned that its called "FinTS" now. Looking for that didnt bring me
closer yet.
On Fri, Oct 08, 2010 at 01:50:12PM +0100, wrote:
> How do you mean? Did you want to process payments? Or wad it more of an
> actual banking thing you needed? I've not heard of hbci before, so can't
> offer much information back.
> Thanks,
> Ash
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Stephan Ebelt"
> Date: Fri, Oct 8, 2010 13:37
> Subject: [PHP] PHP and HBCI?
> To: "PHP"
> Hello,
> is there a way to do HBCI banking with PHP?
> stephan
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: PHP and HBCI?
am 08.10.2010 15:39:04 von Sebastian Detert
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Do you have any specifications for HBCI interfaces? Socket connection,
XML Exchange, DB Access ? If you have C code for such things, it should
be possible to convert this to php code maybe
Stephan Ebelt schrieb:
> On Fri, Oct 08, 2010 at 01:50:12PM +0100, wrote:
>> How do you mean? Did you want to process payments? Or wad it more of an
>> actual banking thing you needed? I've not heard of hbci before, so can't
>> offer much information back.
> HBCI is the german Home Banking Computer Interface which is supported by most
> banks over here. There are free implementations such as the one used in gnucash
> and some other projects:
> (sorry, site is german but code is english). I could not find a way to use
> something like that from PHP code, only C and Java so far.
> My goal for now would be to access bank account statements in order to show the
> balances. I am not too eager to issue transactions.
> thanks,
> stephan
>> Thanks,
>> Ash
>> ----- Reply message -----
>> From: "Stephan Ebelt"
>> Date: Fri, Oct 8, 2010 13:37
>> Subject: [PHP] PHP and HBCI?
>> To: "PHP"
>> Hello,
>> is there a way to do HBCI banking with PHP?
>> stephan
>> --
>> PHP General Mailing List (
>> To unsubscribe, visit:
Re: PHP and HBCI?
am 08.10.2010 15:58:02 von Stephan Ebelt
common is probably XML via HTTPS transport (at least my bank seems to do it
that way). I have no C code whatsoever.
Can PHP call arbitrary C functions? Then it might be possible to use
AqHBCI/AqBanking somehow?
On Fri, Oct 08, 2010 at 03:39:04PM +0200, Sebastian Detert wrote:
> Do you have any specifications for HBCI interfaces? Socket connection,
> XML Exchange, DB Access ? If you have C code for such things, it should
> be possible to convert this to php code maybe
> Stephan Ebelt schrieb:
>> On Fri, Oct 08, 2010 at 01:50:12PM +0100, wrote:
>>> How do you mean? Did you want to process payments? Or wad it more of an
>>> actual banking thing you needed? I've not heard of hbci before, so can't
>>> offer much information back.
>> HBCI is the german Home Banking Computer Interface which is supported by most
>> banks over here. There are free implementations such as the one used in gnucash
>> and some other projects:
>> (sorry, site is german but code is english). I could not find a way to use
>> something like that from PHP code, only C and Java so far.
>> My goal for now would be to access bank account statements in order to show the
>> balances. I am not too eager to issue transactions.
>> thanks,
>> stephan
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ash
>>> ----- Reply message -----
>>> From: "Stephan Ebelt"
>>> Date: Fri, Oct 8, 2010 13:37
>>> Subject: [PHP] PHP and HBCI?
>>> To: "PHP"
>>> Hello,
>>> is there a way to do HBCI banking with PHP?
>>> stephan
>>> --
>>> PHP General Mailing List (
>>> To unsubscribe, visit:
PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: PHP and HBCI?
am 08.10.2010 16:49:38 von Per Jessen
Stephan Ebelt wrote:
> common is probably XML via HTTPS transport (at least my bank seems to=
> do it that way). I have no C code whatsoever.
> Can PHP call arbitrary C functions? Then it might be possible to use
> AqHBCI/AqBanking somehow?
You (or someone) would need to write a PHP wrapper for the C functions,=
but otherwise yes.
Per Jessen, Zürich (17.9°C)
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