Problems after reshaping of Raid5 array
Problems after reshaping of Raid5 array
am 29.11.2010 18:24:18 von Michele Bonera
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Hi all.
I'm a little bit in panic... and I really need some help to solve this
(if possible......)...
I have a storage server in my LAN where I save everything
for security (sigh).
The system consists in a 32 GB SSD containing the o.s.
plus 4 WD EADS 1TB harddisks in RAID5 with all my data.
The disks are seen by the system as sdb1, sdc1, sdd1, sde1
Yesterday evening I added another WD, this time an EARS
(512 byte sectors): I created a partition on it, respecting the
alignment and then I added it to the array and performed a
grow command
mdadm --add /dev/md6 /dev/sdb1 (after adding it, the hd took sdb)
mdadm --grow /dev/md6 --raid-devices=5
Reshape started... and worked until today. Or better, until the system
hangs and I have to sync+remount-ro with the sysrq keys.
After rebooting, the reshaping restarted, but the disk become sdb
not sdb1 in the raid array, and the file system became unreadable
Any ideas of what happened?
Thanks a lot for any suggestion you can give me.
I attach the mdadm -E and dumpe2fs outputs
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Re: Problems after reshaping of Raid5 array
am 29.11.2010 20:12:32 von Jan Ceuleers
On 29/11/10 18:24, Michele Bonera wrote:
> After rebooting, the reshaping restarted, but the disk become sdb
> not sdb1 in the raid array, and the file system became unreadable
> Any ideas of what happened?
I've had similar problems, which I resolved by changing the partition
type from fd (Linux RAID autodetect) to 83 (Linux), ensuring that the
initrd is able to assemble the RAID.
Worth a shot.
HTH, Jan
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Re: Problems after reshaping of Raid5 array
am 29.11.2010 21:04:39 von Michele Bonera
Il giorno lun, 29/11/2010 alle 20.12 +0100, Jan Ceuleers ha scritto:
> I've had similar problems, which I resolved by changing the partition
> type from fd (Linux RAID autodetect) to 83 (Linux), ensuring that the
> initrd is able to assemble the RAID.
> Worth a shot.
> HTH, Jan
Thanks for the reply, Jan, but the problem is not at raid level, or
better, the raid just finished to reshape and now has 5/5 of his
components and is active:
root@mizar:~# cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [linear] [multipath] [raid0]
[raid1] [raid10]
md6 : active raid5 sdf1[2] sdb1[0] sda1[1] sdc[4] sde1[3]
3438905344 blocks level 5, 128k chunk, algorithm 2 [5/5] [UUUUU]
The problem is that I added a device partition (sdc1) but after the
crash the array has sdc (the device) as one of his components. The
partition table on the disk was wiped-out.
The result is that the filesystem on it (dev/md6) is unreadable and
fsck.ext3 can't fix it.
Michele Bonera
linux user group brescia
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Re: Problems after reshaping of Raid5 array
am 29.11.2010 22:45:01 von NeilBrown
On Mon, 29 Nov 2010 18:24:18 +0100 Michele Bonera wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm a little bit in panic... and I really need some help to solve this
> (if possible......)...
> I have a storage server in my LAN where I save everything
> for security (sigh).
> The system consists in a 32 GB SSD containing the o.s.
> plus 4 WD EADS 1TB harddisks in RAID5 with all my data.
> The disks are seen by the system as sdb1, sdc1, sdd1, sde1
> Yesterday evening I added another WD, this time an EARS
> (512 byte sectors): I created a partition on it, respecting the
> alignment and then I added it to the array and performed a
> grow command
> mdadm --add /dev/md6 /dev/sdb1 (after adding it, the hd took sdb)
> mdadm --grow /dev/md6 --raid-devices=5
> Reshape started... and worked until today. Or better, until the system
> hangs and I have to sync+remount-ro with the sysrq keys.
> After rebooting, the reshaping restarted, but the disk become sdb
> not sdb1 in the raid array, and the file system became unreadable
> Any ideas of what happened?
I think you can fix it by simply failing and removing sdc
Then md/raid5 will recover that data using the parity block, and that should
be correct.
It appears that the partition you created on the new device started at a
multiple of 64K. When this happen, the superblock at the end of the
partition also looks valid when seen at the end of the whole device.
Somehow mdadm got confused and choose the whole device (sdc) instead of the
partition (sdc1).
I am surprised at this because since mdadm-2.5.1, mdadm will refuse to
assemble an array if it sees two devices that appear to have the same
superblock. Could you possibly be using something that old??
So when the reshape started, it was writing data for the 5th device to sdc1.
Then after you restared, it was writing data for the 5th device to sdc, which
the same drive of course, but at a different offset. So everthing that was
written before the crash will look wrong.
So the thing to do is to stop md from reading from sdc at all, as that device
is clearly corrupt. So just fail and remove it. Then add it back in again.
If you do re-partition, try to make sure sdc1 does not start at a multiple of
64K (128 sectors).
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Re: Problems after reshaping of Raid5 array
am 30.11.2010 08:23:00 von Michele Bonera
Il giorno mar, 30/11/2010 alle 08.45 +1100, Neil Brown ha scritto:
> > Yesterday evening I added another WD, this time an EARS
> > (512 byte sectors): I created a partition on it, respecting the
Just to be precise: 4K byte sector (my mistake).
> Yes.
> I think you can fix it by simply failing and removing sdc
> Then md/raid5 will recover that data using the parity block, and that should
> be correct.
> It appears that the partition you created on the new device started at a
> multiple of 64K. When this happen, the superblock at the end of the
> partition also looks valid when seen at the end of the whole device.
> Somehow mdadm got confused and choose the whole device (sdc) instead of the
> partition (sdc1).
I did it and it worked! Thanks a lot Neil!!!
> I am surprised at this because since mdadm-2.5.1, mdadm will refuse to
> assemble an array if it sees two devices that appear to have the same
> superblock. Could you possibly be using something that old??
The distribution is Ubuntu Server 10.04,
kernel 2.6.32-26-generic-pae, mdadm
Again many thanks Neil, you saved me! :)
Michele Bonera
linux user group brescia
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Re: Problems after reshaping of Raid5 array
am 30.11.2010 18:00:54 von Jan Ceuleers
On 29/11/10 21:04, Michele Bonera wrote:
> The problem is that I added a device partition (sdc1) but after the
> crash the array has sdc (the device) as one of his components. The
> partition table on the disk was wiped-out.
> The result is that the filesystem on it (dev/md6) is unreadable and
> fsck.ext3 can't fix it.
Right. This is consistent with what I've seen as well.
I can't help you repair this filesystem, but when you do my suggestion
remains to change the partition types of the RAID members. This is
because I've noticed that the in-kernel RAID detection and assembly code
sometimes gets it wrong (leading to the kinds of symptoms you've
reported), whereas mdadm run from the initrd does not.
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Re: Problems after reshaping of Raid5 array
am 30.11.2010 20:45:41 von Jan Ceuleers
On 30/11/10 08:23, Michele Bonera wrote:
>> It appears that the partition you created on the new device started at a
>> multiple of 64K. When this happen, the superblock at the end of the
>> partition also looks valid when seen at the end of the whole device.
>> Somehow mdadm got confused and choose the whole device (sdc) instead of the
>> partition (sdc1).
> I did it and it worked! Thanks a lot Neil!!!
Does it survive a reboot?
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Re: Problems after reshaping of Raid5 array
am 03.12.2010 08:03:21 von Michele Bonera
Il giorno mar, 30/11/2010 alle 20.45 +0100, Jan Ceuleers ha scritto:
> On 30/11/10 08:23, Michele Bonera wrote:
> >> It appears that the partition you created on the new device started at a
> >> multiple of 64K. When this happen, the superblock at the end of the
> >> partition also looks valid when seen at the end of the whole device.
> >> Somehow mdadm got confused and choose the whole device (sdc) instead of the
> >> partition (sdc1).
> >
> > I did it and it worked! Thanks a lot Neil!!!
> Michele,
> Does it survive a reboot?
> Jan
Yes. Now it's working perfectly...
Michele Bonera
linux user group brescia
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