Using MySQL in the Cloud? Help us by answering a short survey andwin a T-shirt
am 06.12.2010 15:20:21 von Avigail Ofer --_000_3FE67ADD5DA1654BB1FE71521A1D8C25449243DE41BE169mailla n_
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With the rise of cloud computing and "big data", database scalability issue=
s are becoming critical to the growth and success of many applications. Xer=
ound's MySQL Cloud Database is an elastic, always-on database that lets you=
run your existing MySQL-based application in the cloud.
As we develop our Database-as-a-Service cloud offering, we'd like to hear f=
rom you:
Please help us by answering a few questions about your experiences with dat=
abases in the cloud.
Complete the survey and receive a free T-shirt!
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