[Jakarta Wiki] Update of "JakartaBoardReport-January2011" by RahulAkolkar

[Jakarta Wiki] Update of "JakartaBoardReport-January2011" by RahulAkolkar

am 15.01.2011 19:17:49 von Apache Wiki

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The "JakartaBoardReport-January2011" page has been changed by RahulAkolkar.
The comment on this change is: Fill in report.
http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaBoardReport-January201 1?action=3Ddiff=


## page was copied from JakartaBoardReport-current
- Jakarta status report, January 2011.
+ Jakarta status report, January 2011. There are no issues requiring board =
attention at this time.

===3D General ===3D

+ We completed the moves of two subprojects to the Apache Attic: Jakarta EC=
S and Jakarta ORO.

+ Few improvements were made to the website, including the Jakarta news fee=
d, by sebb.
+ =

+ We added one new PMC member, Milamber. Martin Cooper withdrew from the PM=

===3D Releases ===3D

@@ -15, +19 @@


==== BCEL ====

- =

+ One new issue reported, no other activity.

==== BSF ====

- =

+ No notable activity this quarter.

==== Cactus ====

- =

+ Small number of posts to the user list and a thread about the Gump build =
on the dev list.

==== JCS ====

- =

+ Some user list and tracker activity, one new issue reported.

==== JMeter ====

- =

+ Healthy activity on the user list as well as in development and bug fixes=
.. Sizeable number of new issues opened in the tracker (25+), including a fe=
w with patches from users.

==== Regexp ====

+ No notable activity this quarter.