Mysql search query ignoring dots
am 24.01.2011 14:43:29 von Barbara PicciHi all,
I have to perform a mysql query in a table with millions of records.
I've full-text indexed my search field and I'm searching with MATCH AGAINST.
But there is a problem. In this field there are company names that
contain dots, for istance I've "PO.SE. srl" and I want to find it if
the user search for: "POSE" or "PO.SE" or "P.O.S.E." etc.
I googled in the web but I don't find any solution. I don't want to
add a new field with the cleaned version of my string because I would
like to solve with the query and I prefer that the mysql table not
become too big. But if I will not find a different solution, I will
use this escamotage.
I've find a post that is similar but the solution don't seem to solve
my situation.
You can see it at the url:,395557,395584#msg-395584
In my case replace(email, '.', '') = replace(theSearchValue, '.', '');
is indifferent and don't change my results.
My query, searching "POSE", is:
select aziende.* from aziende where 1>0 AND
(MATCH(aziende.ragione_sociale) AGAINST('+POSE' IN BOOLEAN MODE) OR
(replace(aziende.ragione_sociale, '.', '') = replace('POSE', '.',
'')) order by aziende.ragione_sociale limit 0, 10
The alternative choice could be REGEXP but I've red that it make my
query slow in a table of millions of records and I don't know how to
exclude dots in the regular expression.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance.
Barbara Picci
Micro srl
viale Marconi 222, 09131 Cagliari - tel. (+39) 070400240
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