help with queue kernel information
am 16.02.2011 02:30:15 von Roberto Spadim
hi guys, i=B4m still looking about queue kernel information
i=B4m writing a new read_balacne algorithm, and i need some information=
about mirror (device) queue
total writes/read in queue, or some statistical informations
where could i get it?
Roberto Spadim
Spadim Technology / SPAEmpresarial
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Re: help with queue kernel information
am 16.02.2011 04:43:01 von Roberto Spadim
i found some informations here:
about request struct
i think all i need is there
how could i get request list of a mirror device?
2011/2/15 Roberto Spadim :
> hi guys, i=B4m still looking about queue kernel information
> i=B4m writing a new read_balacne algorithm, and i need some informati=
> about mirror (device) queue
> total writes/read in queue, or some statistical informations
> where could i get it?
> --
> Roberto Spadim
> Spadim Technology / SPAEmpresarial
Roberto Spadim
Spadim Technology / SPAEmpresarial
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