mysql < vs source

mysql < vs source

am 10.03.2011 19:35:28 von Brent Clark


I just found that I can run
mysql db -e 'source exporteddbdata.sql'

The question I would like to ask is. Is there a speed difference between

mysql db < exporteddbdata.sql
mysql db -e 'source exporteddbdata.sql'
(using source)

Reason im asking is, I got a exported 5.4GB database file, and I need to
import it as quickly as possible.
When I initially testing it, is ran for 170m40.935s

Generally I just scp the files (learnt this from Mylvmbackup), but the
problem is, is that the source DB is Mysql 5.1 and the target is Mysql 5.0.


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Re: mysql < vs source

am 10.03.2011 20:55:27 von Dan Nelson

In the last episode (Mar 10), Brent Clark said:
> Hiya
> I just found that I can run
> mysql db -e 'source exporteddbdata.sql'
> The question I would like to ask is. Is there a speed difference between
> mysql db < exporteddbdata.sql
> and
> mysql db -e 'source exporteddbdata.sql'
> (using source)
> Reason im asking is, I got a exported 5.4GB database file, and I need to
> import it as quickly as possible.
> When I initially testing it, is ran for 170m40.935s

I would guess that 95% of that time will be spent within the mysqld server
rather than the mysql client, and if there is a difference between your two
mysql commandlines it won't be noticed.

Dan Nelson

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