Fwd: Object Class Type

Fwd: Object Class Type

am 24.03.2011 00:35:30 von Bruno Sandivilli

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bruno Sandivilli
Date: 2011/3/23
Subject: Object Class Type
To: php-db-sc.1300557321.bdjnjaejefnonigedkec-bruno.sandivilli=g mail.com@

Hi all, could someone give me a help? I have this scenario: I want to have a
table with objects that are composed of any number of
types(strings,ints,bool,etc) and any number of types(eg: a object Car, may
have 3 types inside(string name, int doors,bool new), and in the same table
could have an object of type House, tha could have 10 types inside);
