can"t seem to figure out what to do. 5.0.67 to 5.1.53 onopenSUSE-11.4

can"t seem to figure out what to do. 5.0.67 to 5.1.53 onopenSUSE-11.4

am 28.03.2011 07:02:51 von Boyd Lynn Gerber

hi and thanks,

Ever since I had something like a stroke in Aug/Sep 09 I make a lot of
mistakes. I forgot to backup/dump the mysql databases before my os
upgrade. Now I am stuck and I am not sure what to do. Any ideas?

See or

I really am at a loss on what to do. Any ideas?

Thanks again,

Boyd Gerber 801 849-0213
ZENEZ 1042 East Fort Union #135, Midvale Utah 84047

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Re: can"t seem to figure out what to do. 5.0.67 to 5.1.53 onopenSUSE-11.4 (SOLVED)

am 28.03.2011 09:29:53 von Boyd Lynn Gerber

I had a directory called .ssh in /var/lib/mysql/ used to login via ssh for
the mysql user using a pass phrase. I move the directory some where is
and I was able to get MySQL to start.


Boyd Gerber 801 849-0213
ZENEZ 1042 East Fort Union #135, Midvale Utah 84047

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