am 12.05.2011 09:36:25 von HeefanHi folks,
I have a question on cross compiling Perl for ARM9.
My PC: Ubuntu
My Device: ARM9 + embedded Linux
SSH : enable and working
Perl Version: 5.12.3
The Command I used,
$sudo ./Configure -des -Dusecrosscompile \
-Dtargethost= \
-Dtargetdir=/cross/bin \
-Dtargetarch=arm-linux \
-Dcc=/usr/arm/bin/arm-linux-gcc \
-Dincpth=/usr/arm/include \
-Dusrinc=/usr/arm/include \
(1) Why it keep asking my type password for target? Was it doing SSH
For example,
atoll() NOT found.
Checking whether your compiler can handle __attribute__((format)) ...
Checking whether your compiler allows __printf__ format to be null ...
root@'s password:
root@'s password:
root@'s password:
Checking whether your compiler can handle __attribute__((malloc)) ...
Checking whether your compiler can handle
__attribute__((nonnull(1))) ...
(2) What's the meaning of the result?
What is the length of a character (in bits)? [Ok]
Your system has an unsigned character size of Ok bits, which
is rather unusual (normally it is 8 bits). Perl likely will not work
correctly on your system, with subtle bugs in various places.
Do you really want to continue? [n]
Does it mean i cannot compile perl as arm version?
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