Hanging out here

Hanging out here

am 23.07.2011 13:55:56 von Emeka

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hello All,

I have been here for a long time, but I just read stuff. I have not mustered
enough energy to really check what Perl is all about until yesterday.
Write-only, cowboy language or something pretty cool. I spent few hours
going through learn.perl site stuff. I was really impressed. To me this is
indeed a cool language.

However, I noticed that among beginners here their concerns are mainly file
manipulation, string manipulation and hash table. Shouldn't someone make a
note with simple examples and put it on the internet? And I would want to
see codes from experts here once in a while with their design's reasons.

I have my own issues, and the most confusing part of Perl to me is this
thing called context. Why do we have it in Perl? What is its gain to be
language ? And another thing I am having issue to figure out is when it is
really needed is \&hoom, when hoom is a sub. I know from C , that if one is
to use function as a parameter that it should be in the form of address.

Apart from context, are there other hidden gems I need to know?

I would want to also thank the author of Learning Perl the Hard Way (Allen
B. Downey). I would want that book to be called Learning Perl the Soft Way.

Finally , this group is awesome ... with kind experts and mentors. I really
appreciate you help and time.


*Satajanus Nig. Ltd



Re: Hanging out here

am 23.07.2011 15:58:25 von Shlomi Fish

Hi Emeka,

On Sat, 23 Jul 2011 12:55:56 +0100
Emeka wrote:

> Hello All,
> I have been here for a long time, but I just read stuff. I have not mustered
> enough energy to really check what Perl is all about until yesterday.
> Write-only, cowboy language or something pretty cool.
> I spent few hours
> going through learn.perl site stuff. I was really impressed. To me this is
> indeed a cool language.

Aside from learn.perl.org which is under-maintained and incomplete, I've been
maintaining an alternative Perl beginners site on http://perl-begin.org/ ,
which is much better. Check it out too.

> However, I noticed that among beginners here their concerns are mainly file
> manipulation, string manipulation and hash table. Shouldn't someone make a
> note with simple examples and put it on the internet?

We're covering file manipulation, string manipulation and hash tables
extensively on the various resources of http://perl-begin.org/ . However, often
newcomers come with unique problems which require understanding of the
programming primitives provided by Perl and how to combine them to produce a
greater solution. This is something that cannot be taught from examples, and if
you desire examples you can look at:


> And I would want to
> see codes from experts here once in a while with their design's reasons.

What kind of codes from experts? Experts here often give code as answer to
questions. Isn't it good enough?

> I have my own issues, and the most confusing part of Perl to me is this
> thing called context. Why do we have it in Perl? What is its gain to be
> language ?


http://perl-begin.org/tutorials/modern-perl/xhtml/chapter_01 .html#context_philosophy

> And another thing I am having issue to figure out is when it is
> really needed is \&hoom, when hoom is a sub. I know from C , that if one is
> to use function as a parameter that it should be in the form of address.

\&subroutine_name takes a reference to an existing package-scope subroutine
called "subroutine_name":

sub subroutine_name
# Do something

# later on:
my $sub_ref = \&subroutine_name;

# Silly example:

If you omit the "\&" you have a bareword, that may be considered a string
without strict/warnings or may be a subroutine call with trailing parenthesis.

> Apart from context, are there other hidden gems I need to know?

I recall a presentation by Reuven Lerner about 5 things every Perl programmer
should know. Also see:


> I would want to also thank the author of Learning Perl the Hard Way (Allen
> B. Downey). I would want that book to be called Learning Perl the Soft Way.

Ah, I've heard a few bad things about that book, but I'm not sure they are
substantiated. There's also "Impatient Perl":


> Finally , this group is awesome ... with kind experts and mentors. I really
> appreciate you help and time.



Shlomi Fish

------------------------------------------------------------ -----
Shlomi Fish http://www.shlomifish.org/
UNIX Fortune Cookies - http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/

My opinions may seem crazy but they all make sense. Insane sense, but sense

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Re: Hanging out here

am 23.07.2011 16:24:11 von Shawn H Corey

On 11-07-23 09:58 AM, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> Experts here often give code as answer to
> questions.

Sorry but most will only reply to code with code. If you don't supply
code with your questions, you will get answers (and references to look
up) but usually not code. That's because it's difficult to supply an
exact answer without seeing the details of what exactly is going on.

And if you're going to post code, try to isolate the problem. This
makes it clearer what you are asking and you are likely to get an answer

Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,

Confusion is the first step of understanding.

Programming is as much about organization and communication
as it is about coding.

The secret to great software: Fail early & often.

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"Make something worthwhile." -- The Dear Hunter

To unsubscribe, e-mail: beginners-unsubscribe@perl.org
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Re: Hanging out here

am 24.07.2011 19:08:46 von Goke Aruna

TmljZSB0byBzZWUgZW5lbWEgaW4gdGhpcyBsaXN0LgpNZWt1cyAuLmFyZSB5 b3UgYmFzZWQgaW4g
bGFnb3M/IE5pY2UgdG8gc2hhcmUgc29tZSB0aG91Z2h0cyBhYm91dCBsb2Nh bGl6aW5nIHBlcmwg
Y29tbXVuaXR5IGluIExhZ29zIAoKRW1la2EgPGVtZWthbWljcm9AZ21haWwu Y29tPiB3cm90ZToK
Cj5IZWxsbyBBbGwsCj4KPkkgaGF2ZSBiZWVuIGhlcmUgZm9yIGEgbG9uZyB0 aW1lLCBidXQgSSBq
dXN0IHJlYWQgc3R1ZmYuIEkgaGF2ZSBub3QgbXVzdGVyZWQKPmVub3VnaCBl bmVyZ3kgdG8gcmVh
bGx5IGNoZWNrIHdoYXQgIFBlcmwgaXMgYWxsIGFib3V0IHVudGlsIHllc3Rl cmRheS4KPldyaXRl
LW9ubHksIGNvd2JveSBsYW5ndWFnZSBvciBzb21ldGhpbmcgcHJldHR5IGNv b2wuIEkgc3BlbnQg
ZmV3IGhvdXJzCj5nb2luZyB0aHJvdWdoIGxlYXJuLnBlcmwgc2l0ZSBzdHVm Zi4gSSB3YXMgcmVh
bGx5IGltcHJlc3NlZC4gVG8gbWUgdGhpcyBpcwo+aW5kZWVkIGEgY29vbCBs YW5ndWFnZS4KPgo+
SG93ZXZlciwgSSBub3RpY2VkIHRoYXQgYW1vbmcgYmVnaW5uZXJzIGhlcmUg dGhlaXIgY29uY2Vy
bnMgYXJlIG1haW5seSBmaWxlCj5tYW5pcHVsYXRpb24sIHN0cmluZyBtYW5p cHVsYXRpb24gYW5k
IGhhc2ggdGFibGUuIFNob3VsZG4ndCBzb21lb25lIG1ha2UgYQo+bm90ZSB3 aXRoIHNpbXBsZSBl
eGFtcGxlcyBhbmQgcHV0IGl0IG9uIHRoZSBpbnRlcm5ldD8gQW5kIEkgd291 bGQgd2FudCB0bwo+
c2lnbidzIHJlYXNvbnMuCj4KPkkgaGF2ZSBteSBvd24gaXNzdWVzLCBhbmQg dGhlIG1vc3QgY29u
ZnVzaW5nIHBhcnQgb2YgUGVybCB0byBtZSBpcyB0aGlzCj50aGluZyBjYWxs ZWQgY29udGV4dC4g
V2h5IGRvIHdlIGhhdmUgaXQgaW4gUGVybD8gV2hhdCBpcyBpdHMgZ2FpbiB0 byBiZQo+bGFuZ3Vh
Z2UgPyBBbmQgYW5vdGhlciB0aGluZyBJIGFtIGhhdmluZyBpc3N1ZSB0byBm aWd1cmUgb3V0IGlz
IEkga25vdyBmcm9tIEMgLCB0aGF0IGlmIG9uZSBpcwo+dG8gdXNlIGZ1bmN0 aW9uIGFzIGEgcGFy
IGZyb20gY29udGV4dCwgYXJlIHRoZXJlIG90aGVyIGhpZGRlbiBnZW1zIEkg bmVlZCB0byBrbm93
Pwo+Cj5JIHdvdWxkIHdhbnQgdG8gYWxzbyB0aGFuayB0aGUgYXV0aG9yIG9m IExlYXJuaW5nIFBl
cmwgdGhlIEhhcmQgV2F5IChBbGxlbgo+Qi4gRG93bmV5KS4gSSB3b3VsZCB3 YW50IHRoYXQgYm9v
ayB0byBiZSBjYWxsZWQgTGVhcm5pbmcgUGVybCB0aGUgU29mdCBXYXkuCj4K PkZpbmFsbHkgLCB0
aGlzIGdyb3VwIGlzIGF3ZXNvbWUgLi4uIHdpdGgga2luZCBleHBlcnRzIGFu ZCBtZW50b3JzLiBJ
IHJlYWxseQo+YXBwcmVjaWF0ZSB5b3UgaGVscCBhbmQgdGltZS4KPgo+UmVn YXJkcywKPkVtZWth

Re: Hanging out here

am 25.07.2011 07:11:02 von Emeka

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


I based in Port-Harcourt. But I would very much like to be part of your
meetup. Could you give me details and your schedule?


On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 6:08 PM, Goke Aruna wrote:

> Nice to see enema in this list.
> Mekus ..are you based in lagos? Nice to share some thoughts about
> localizing perl community in Lagos
> Emeka wrote:
> >Hello All,
> >
> >I have been here for a long time, but I just read stuff. I have not
> mustered
> >enough energy to really check what Perl is all about until yesterday.
> >Write-only, cowboy language or something pretty cool. I spent few hours
> >going through learn.perl site stuff. I was really impressed. To me this is
> >indeed a cool language.
> >
> >However, I noticed that among beginners here their concerns are mainly
> file
> >manipulation, string manipulation and hash table. Shouldn't someone make a
> >note with simple examples and put it on the internet? And I would want to
> >see codes from experts here once in a while with their design's reasons.
> >
> >I have my own issues, and the most confusing part of Perl to me is this
> >thing called context. Why do we have it in Perl? What is its gain to be
> >language ? And another thing I am having issue to figure out is when it is
> >really needed is \&hoom, when hoom is a sub. I know from C , that if one
> is
> >to use function as a parameter that it should be in the form of address.
> >
> >Apart from context, are there other hidden gems I need to know?
> >
> >I would want to also thank the author of Learning Perl the Hard Way (Allen
> >B. Downey). I would want that book to be called Learning Perl the Soft
> Way.
> >
> >Finally , this group is awesome ... with kind experts and mentors. I
> really
> >appreciate you help and time.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Emeka
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >*Satajanus Nig. Ltd
> >
> >
> >*

*Satajanus Nig. Ltd

