Where"s the -1 go? (Not another troll question)
am 05.08.2011 15:34:23 von Deane.Rothenmaier--===============1840543100==
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Geniuses, Gurus, Wizards, et. al...
I'm working on some Win32::GUI code, with no formal training, and just enou=
gh OTJ to be really dangerous. I've come up against a couple of questions =
that I cannot find answers to in my books. Here's the code:
sub Exit_Click {
#===================3D=3 D=====
sub MainWindow_Terminate {
#===================3D=3 D=====
print LOG "=3D"x80 . "\n";
close( LOG );
return( -1 );
And here's the questions:
First, when Exit_Click (E_C) calls MainWindow_Terminate (MW_T), it does not=
hing with the -1 that MW_T returns-or at least it looks that way (it is GUI=
, after all, and I'm learning that GUI does a lot of, um, "invisible" stuff=
). So where does that -1 go? Into the bit bucket? Or does GUI do some behin=
d-the-curtain prestidigitation with it? If this wasn't GUI code, I'd feel =
confident believing that it's just ignored. But it is. So I don't.
Second: Is there some GUI-related requirement behind E_C calling MW_T inste=
ad of doing, in its own code, the stuff MW_T does? That is, is there someth=
ing in the murky depths of Win32::GUI that's expecting a "thing" called Exi=
t_Click to call another "thing" called MainWindow_Terminate?
Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
Deane Rothenmaier
Programmer/Analyst - IT-StdCfg
Walgreens Corp.
2 Overlook Point #N51022D
MS 6515
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
Vincit qui patitur. -- Persius
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Geniuses, Gurus, Wizards, et. al…
I’m working on some Win32::GUI code, with no f=
ormal training, and just enough OTJ to be really dangerous. I’v=
e come up against a couple of questions that I cannot find answers to in my=
books. Here’s the code:
urier New"">#===============3D
urier New"">sub Exit_Click {
urier New"">#===============3D
urier New""> MainWindow_Terminate();
urier New"">}
urier New"">
urier New" ">#===================3D =
urier New"">sub MainWindow_Terminate {
urier New" ">#===================3D =
urier New""> print LOG "=3D"x80 . "\n"=
urier New""> close( LOG );
urier New""> return( -1 );
urier New"">}
And here’s the questions:
First, when Exit_Click (E_C) calls MainWindow_Termin=
ate (MW_T), it does nothing with the -1 that MW_T returns—or at least=
it looks that way (it
is GUI, after all, and I’m learning that GUI does a lot of, um=
, “invisible” stuff). So where does that -1 go? Into the bit bu=
cket? Or does GUI do some behind-the-curtain prestidigitation with it? =
; If this wasn’t GUI code, I’d feel confident believing
that it’s just ignored. But it is. So I don’t.
Second: Is there some GUI-related requirement behind=
E_C calling MW_T instead of doing, in its own code, the stuff MW_T does? T=
hat is, is there something in the murky depths of Win32::GUI that’s e=
xpecting a “thing” called Exit_Click to
call another “thing” called MainWindow_Terminate?
Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
Deane Rothenmaier
Programmer/Analyst – IT-StdCfg
Walgreens Corp.
2 Overlook Point #N51022D
MS 6515
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
Vincit qui patitur. -- Persius
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