am 07.09.2011 23:46:46 von Klaus Jantzen
checking CPAN for Moose gives me a list of about 2000 entries related
directly or indirectly to Moose.
Which of these modules do I have to install so that I can do some plain
and simple OO programming.
Is there a module that is a "container" for all or at least most of them?
Thanks for any hints.
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Re: Moose
am 07.09.2011 23:56:30 von Jim Gibson
On 9/7/11 Wed Sep 7, 2011 2:46 PM, "Klaus Jantzen"
> Hi,
> checking CPAN for Moose gives me a list of about 2000 entries related
> directly or indirectly to Moose.
> Which of these modules do I have to install so that I can do some plain
> and simple OO programming.
> Is there a module that is a "container" for all or at least most of them?
> Thanks for any hints.
I don't have any experience with Moose, but I would start by using a search
engine to look for "perl moose tutorial". Google gives lots of references,
for example.
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Re: Moose
am 08.09.2011 00:18:20 von Shawn H Corey
On 11-09-07 05:46 PM, Klaus Jantzen wrote:
> Hi,
> checking CPAN for Moose gives me a list of about 2000 entries related
> directly or indirectly to Moose.
> Which of these modules do I have to install so that I can do some plain
> and simple OO programming.
> Is there a module that is a "container" for all or at least most of them?
> Thanks for any hints.
Just the one, Moose.
Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,
Confusion is the first step of understanding.
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as it is about coding.
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Re: Moose
am 08.09.2011 03:03:26 von Shawn Wilson
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
On Sep 7, 2011 5:48 PM, "Klaus Jantzen" wrote:
> Hi,
> checking CPAN for Moose gives me a list of about 2000 entries related
directly or indirectly to Moose.
> Which of these modules do I have to install so that I can do some plain
and simple OO programming.
> Is there a module that is a "container" for all or at least most of them?
What Jim said (also see the recipes) and get ready to have a dozen tabs
open. Per installing all moose modules - do you install every program and
enable all services on a fresh os install?
Re: Moose
am 08.09.2011 03:40:30 von jeffpang
ZC5qYW50emVuQHQtb25saW5lLmRlPjoKPiBIaSwKPiAKPiBjaGVja2luZyBD UEFOIGZvciBNb29z
eSBvciBpbmRpcmVjdGx5IHRvIE1vb3NlLgo+IAo+IFdoaWNoIG9mIHRoZXNl IG1vZHVsZXMgZG8g
SSBoYXZlIHRvIGluc3RhbGwgc28gdGhhdCBJIGNhbiBkbyBzb21lIHBsYWlu Cj4gYW5kIHNpbXBs
ZSBPTyBwcm9ncmFtbWluZy4KCkkgaGF2ZSBiZWVuIHByb2dyYW1taW5nIHdp dGggTW9vc2UgZm9y
IHNvbWUgZGF5cy4KSnVzdCBydW4gInBlcmwgLU1DUEFOIC1lICdpbnN0YWxs IE1vb3NlJyIgZm9y
IGluc3RhbGxpbmcgdGhhdC4KSXQgd2lsbCBpbnN0YWxsIGEgbG90IG9mIGFk ZGl0aW9uYWwgbW9k
dWxlcyBhdXRvbWF0aWNhbGx5LgpUaGUgZG9jdW1lbnRzIGZvciBNb29zZSBv biBDUEFOIGFyZSBl
eGNlbGxlbnQuCkFsc28geW91IGNoZWNrIHRoZSBib29rICJtb2Rlcm4gUGVy bCIgZm9yIHNvbWUg
cXVpY2sgZ3VpZGUgZm9yIE1vb3NlOgpodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1vZGVybnBlcmxi b29rcy5jb20vbXQv
aW5kZXguaHRtbAoKCi0tCiAgSmVmZiBQYW5nCiAgamVmZnBhbmdAbWFpbC5y dQo=
Re: Moose
am 08.09.2011 03:45:45 von sono-io
> checking CPAN for Moose gives me a list of about 2000 entries related =
directly or indirectly to Moose.
In case you're interested, there's also a Moose mailing list =
which would probably be of more help to you with all things Moose.
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