RE: need helps

RE: need helps

am 08.09.2011 18:00:43 von qichao.zhu

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There are two arrays

@a =3D [[a,b,c]...[d,e]...[f]...[g,h]...]
@b =3D [[...],[...,a,..,c,...,b...],[d],[e],[g...h]...]

How can I make an arithmetic to detected that.
if (element of array @a include by the element of array @b one time){
Else {
False ;
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Re: need helps

am 08.09.2011 18:16:15 von Shlomi Fish


On Thu, 8 Sep 2011 16:00:43 +0000
"Zhu, Qichao" wrote:

> Hi
> There are two arrays
> @a =3D [[a,b,c]...[d,e]...[f]...[g,h]...]
> @b =3D [[...],[...,a,..,c,...,b...],[d],[e],[g...h]...]

I don't understand this notation. Are these arrays of arrays?

> How can I make an arithmetic to detected that.
> if (element of array @a include by the element of array @b one time){

Maybe read "perldoc -q contain".


Shlomi Fish

> True;
> Else {
> False ;
> }
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Shlomi Fish
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Re: need helps

am 09.09.2011 18:40:57 von Mike McClain

On Thu, Sep 08, 2011 at 04:00:43PM +0000, Zhu, Qichao wrote:
> There are two arrays
> @a = [[a,b,c]...[d,e]...[f]...[g,h]...]
> @b = [[...],[...,a,..,c,...,b...],[d],[e],[g...h]...]
> How can I make an arithmetic to detected that.
> if (element of array @a include by the element of array @b one time){
> True;
> Else {
> False ;
> }

The Perl FAQ has an article on comparing arrays by converting
to hashes. In your case you need to go one step further and
convert each sub array with more than one element to a string
first using some character that is not in the data set as a
separator so the conversion goes both ways.
So that @a_new = (qw/ a\b\c ... d\e ... f ... g\h ... /);
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