running perl script from inside another script & collecting output in array

running perl script from inside another script & collecting output in array

am 15.09.2011 06:07:31 von Rajeev Prasad

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i am doing like below: needs a filename as ar=
gument. here is how i am calling it from a thecalling_script: =0A=
=0A{     local @ARGV;     @ARGV =3D ("$filename");  =A0=
=A0 require "";=0A} issue is, the called script prin=
ts some filenames after completion to STDOUT. how can i collect them into a=
n array variable?

Re: running perl script from inside another script & collecting output in array

am 15.09.2011 06:37:46 von Rajeev Prasad

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I am now using: my @outfiles =3D ` $filename`; =
=0Ai am getting right results. now question is: is this the best metho=
d in terms of efficiency? =0A________________________________=0 A=
From: Rajeev Prasad =0ATo: Perl Beginners>=0ASent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 11:07 PM=0ASubject: running p=
erl script from inside another script & collecting output in array =0A=
=0Ai am doing like below: needs a filename as argum=
ent. here is how i am calling it from a thecalling_script: =
{     local @ARGV;     @ARGV =3D ("$filename");    =
require "";=0A} issue is, the called script prints =
some filenames after completion to STDOUT. how can i collect them into an a=
rray variable?

Re: running perl script from inside another script & collectingoutput in array

am 15.09.2011 06:42:08 von Brandon McCaig

On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 12:07 AM, Rajeev Prasad wrote:
> here is how i am calling it from a thecalling_script:
>     require "";
> issue is, the called script prints some filenames after completion to STD=
OUT. how can i collect them into an array variable?

You could always make an external call to perl to invoke this program.
For example, using exec or system. E.g.,

exec('perl', '', $filename);

It depends on just what does and whether or not
your program needs to do anything in response. I'm unfamiliar with
best practices regarding invoking a Perl script with require, but my
intuition says that it looks like abuse. :)

I've sort of begun to think that nearly any program that you write
should be mostly implemented in a library of sorts to optimize the
software-to-software communication between programs. Then you'd just
basically interface that library with the user and standard
input/output mechanisms. If you control then
perhaps you could consider moving the guts into a Perl module, leaving
only the necessary glue in to interface with the
user and/or standard input/output mechanisms.

Brandon McCaig
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Re[2]: running perl script from inside another script & collecting output in array

am 15.09.2011 07:07:48 von jeffpang

Lm5ldWxpQHlhaG9vLmNvbT46Cj4gSSBhbSBub3cgdXNpbmc6Cj4gCj4gbXkg QG91dGZpbGVzID0g
YHRoZWNhbGxlZHNjcmlwdC5wbCAkZmlsZW5hbWVgOwo+IAo+IGkgYW0gZ2V0 dGluZyByaWdodCBy
ZXN1bHRzLgo+IAo+IG5vdyBxdWVzdGlvbiBpczogaXMgdGhpcyB0aGUgYmVz dCBtZXRob2QgaW4g
dGVybXMgb2YgZWZmaWNpZW5jeT8KPiAKCk5vdCB0aGUgZ29vZCB3YXkuCkl0 J3MgYmV0dGVyIHRv

Re: running perl script from inside another script & collecting outputin array

am 15.09.2011 15:41:11 von Shawn H Corey

On 11-09-15 01:07 AM, Jeff Pang wrote:
> 15 сентября 2011, 08:38 о=D1=
=82 Rajeev Prasad:
>> I am now using:
>> my @outfiles =3D ` $filename`;
>> i am getting right results.
>> now question is: is this the best method in terms of efficiency?
> Not the good way.
> It's better to write the called script as a module, then use or require=
this module in main script and call the methods in the module.
> --
> Jeff Pang

A better way, IMHO, if you can't move it to a module, is to use `open`.

open my $fh, '-|', '' or die "could not pipe from=20 $!\n";

Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,

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Re: running perl script from inside another script & collectingoutput in array

am 15.09.2011 16:20:17 von Peter Scott

On Wed, 14 Sep 2011 21:07:31 -0700, Rajeev Prasad wrote:=20
> needs a filename as argument.
> here is how i am calling it from a thecalling_script:
> {
>     local @ARGV;
>     @ARGV =3D ("$filename");
>     require "";
> }
> issue is, the called script prints some filenames after completion to
> STDOUT. how can i collect them into an array variable?

You would be better off calling it with backticks. Otherwise you have to=
try fragile techniques such as tying filehandles.

Peter Scott hp

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turnign a script into a perl module

am 15.09.2011 20:58:13 von Rajeev Prasad

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
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Based on=A0earlier suggestion by list-members, I think the best way to run =
a script inside a script is to turn the inner script into a module of subro=
utines.  =0AI have few questions:  =0Agiven a sample script style:=
=0A_________________________________________________________ _____=0A#!/usr/=
bin/perl -w=0Ause strict;=0Ause Getopt::Long;=0Ause Net::Telnet; ....i=
declare global variables mostly (i remember fish's suggestion on not using=
, i am reading the best practices page, but too much work...)=0A... i name=
=A0most of my temporary global variables the SAME in different scripts.=0A.=
...has some subroutines of its own.  =0Ascripts will=A0mostly be writing=
to a file or files=0Aprinting names of files written.=0Aend_of_script.=0A_=
____________________________________________________________ _  =0Ahow w=
ould i turn this into a module which can be called from another script? wha=
t type of code should be where? (like perl interpretor/variables/subroutine=
s inside called subroutine)...  =0Athanks for all the advice.=0ARajeev

Re: turnign a script into a perl module

am 15.09.2011 21:10:20 von Jim Gibson

On 9/15/11 Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:58 AM, "Rajeev Prasad" >

> Based on=A0earlier suggestion by list-members, I think the best way to run =
> script inside a script is to turn the inner script into a module of
> subroutines.
> =A0
> I have few questions:
> =A0
> given a sample script style:
> ____________________________________________________________ __
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use Getopt::Long;
> use Net::Telnet;
> ....i declare global variables mostly (i remember fish's suggestion on no=
> using, i am reading the best practices page, but too much work...)
> ... i name=A0most of my temporary global variables the SAME in different
> scripts.
> ...has some subroutines of its own.
> =A0
> scripts will=A0mostly be writing to a file or files
> printing names of files written.
> end_of_script.
> ____________________________________________________________ __
> =A0
> how would i turn this into a module which can be called from another scri=
> what type of code should be where? (like perl
> interpretor/variables/subroutines inside called subroutine)...

Read 'perldoc perlmod', but maybe skip down to the section labeled "Perl

Then, read the whole thing and also these:


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Re: turnign a script into a perl module

am 16.09.2011 02:24:10 von David Christensen

On 09/15/2011 11:58 AM, Rajeev Prasad wrote:
> ... turn the inner script into a module of subroutines. ... how would i turn this into a module which can be called from another script? ...

I'd suggest buying and reading "Intermediate Perl":



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