Maintain Packages

Maintain Packages

am 20.09.2011 09:54:49 von Francisco Rivas

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hello I am willing to start maintaining a module or even a Perl package or
library, so I would like to ask you all about the best way to start. I know
that participating in mailing lists is a good way, but I am also asking
about your experience and if there is someone who has a package and is
looking for a maintainer or co maintainer. My experience using Perl is not
too long but that is why I am looking or it. I will appreciate each of your
answers, thank you very much for your time writing down your experience.

Have a very nice day.


Re: Maintain Packages

am 20.09.2011 11:49:26 von jeffpang

YW5jaXNjb2pyaXZhc2hAZ21haWwuY29tPjoKPiBIZWxsbyBJIGFtIHdpbGxp bmcgdG8gc3RhcnQg
bWFpbnRhaW5pbmcgYSBtb2R1bGUgb3IgZXZlbiBhIFBlcmwgcGFja2FnZSBv cgo+IGxpYnJhcnks
IHNvIEkgd291bGQgbGlrZSB0byBhc2sgeW91IGFsbCBhYm91dCB0aGUgYmVz dCB3YXkgdG8gc3Rh
cnQuIEkga25vdwo+IHRoYXQgcGFydGljaXBhdGluZyBpbiBtYWlsaW5nIGxp c3RzIGlzIGEgZ29v
ZCB3YXksIGJ1dCBJIGFtIGFsc28gYXNraW5nCj4gYWJvdXQgeW91ciBleHBl cmllbmNlIGFuZCBp
ZiB0aGVyZSBpcyBzb21lb25lIHdobyBoYXMgYSBwYWNrYWdlIGFuZCBpcwo+ IGxvb2tpbmcgZm9y
IGEgbWFpbnRhaW5lciBvciBjbyBtYWludGFpbmVyLiBNeSBleHBlcmllbmNl IHVzaW5nIFBlcmwg
aXMgbm90Cj4gdG9vIGxvbmcgYnV0IHRoYXQgaXMgd2h5IEkgYW0gbG9va2lu ZyBvciBpdC4gSSB3
aWxsIGFwcHJlY2lhdGUgZWFjaCBvZiB5b3VyCj4gYW5zd2VycywgdGhhbmsg eW91IHZlcnkgbXVj
aCBmb3IgeW91ciB0aW1lIHdyaXRpbmcgZG93biB5b3VyIGV4cGVyaWVuY2Uu Cj4gCgp1c2UgYSBt
b2R1bGUgbGlrZSB0aGlzOgpodHRwOi8vc2VhcmNoLmNwYW4ub3JnL354c2F3 eWVyeC9Nb2R1bGUt
U3RhcnRlci0xLjU4L2xpYi9Nb2R1bGUvU3RhcnRlci5wbQoKaXQgd2lsbCBk byBhbGwgdGhlIHN0
dWZmIGZvciB5b3UuCgotLQogIEplZmYgUGFuZwogIGplZmZwYW5nQG1haWwu cnUK

Re: Maintain Packages

am 20.09.2011 12:21:17 von Paul Johnson

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 09:54:49AM +0200, Francisco Rivas wrote:

> Hello I am willing to start maintaining a module or even a Perl package or
> library, so I would like to ask you all about the best way to start. I know
> that participating in mailing lists is a good way, but I am also asking
> about your experience and if there is someone who has a package and is
> looking for a maintainer or co maintainer. My experience using Perl is not
> too long but that is why I am looking or it. I will appreciate each of your
> answers, thank you very much for your time writing down your experience.

I suggest asking the same question on the module-authors list
( and also your local(ish)
perl-mongers list. I think there are many module authors who would be happy
to have help, moving on to co-maintainership and even full maintainership when
they are happy that you could manage that. Or if you have some modules that
you like or are familiar with, you could ask the author directly. Finding
something from RT and sending in a patch for it would be a very good

Thanks for being willing to give back.

Good luck!

Paul Johnson -

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Re: Maintain Packages

am 20.09.2011 12:54:07 von Francisco Rivas

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Thank you very very much for all the answers. You, all, addressed me to the
right direction I knew it from the beginning. Have a very nice day.

2011/9/20 Paul Johnson

> On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 09:54:49AM +0200, Francisco Rivas wrote:
> > Hello I am willing to start maintaining a module or even a Perl package
> or
> > library, so I would like to ask you all about the best way to start. I
> know
> > that participating in mailing lists is a good way, but I am also asking
> > about your experience and if there is someone who has a package and is
> > looking for a maintainer or co maintainer. My experience using Perl is
> not
> > too long but that is why I am looking or it. I will appreciate each of
> your
> > answers, thank you very much for your time writing down your experience.
> I suggest asking the same question on the module-authors list
> ( and also your local(ish)
> perl-mongers list. I think there are many module authors who would be
> happy
> to have help, moving on to co-maintainership and even full maintainership
> when
> they are happy that you could manage that. Or if you have some modules
> that
> you like or are familiar with, you could ask the author directly. Finding
> something from RT and sending in a patch for it would be a very good
> introduction.
> Thanks for being willing to give back.
> Good luck!
> --
> Paul Johnson -


Re: Maintain Packages

am 20.09.2011 12:59:15 von Magnus Woldrich

Hi Francisco,

>Hello I am willing to start maintaining a module or even a Perl package =
>library, so I would like to ask you all about the best way to start. I k=
>that participating in mailing lists is a good way, but I am also asking
>about your experience and if there is someone who has a package and is
>looking for a maintainer or co maintainer. My experience using Perl is n=
>too long but that is why I am looking or it. I will appreciate each of y=
>answers, thank you very much for your time writing down your experience.
>Have a very nice day.

I think these guys would appreciate some help: http://marcel-maint.github=
And I am always looking for people to work with;

But I think the best way (for your learning experience, and for the peopl=
e you'd
want to help) is to find something that you're interested in, and break i=
t. Then
you can either fix it or bring attention to the issue at hands. No matter=
much testing you do, there's *always* stuff that'll break.

Not only is it easier to learn when you do something you enjoy doing, but=
talking about it with someone who knows exactly what you're talking about=
a lot.

Idling in one of the Perl irc channels (freenode, might als=
o be
a good idea.


â”=82 Magnus Woldrich

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Re: Maintain Packages

am 20.09.2011 14:35:50 von Francisco Rivas

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Thank you very very much for all the answers. You, all, addressed me to the
right direction I knew it from the beginning. Have a very nice day.

2011/9/20 Paul Johnson

> On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 09:54:49AM +0200, Francisco Rivas wrote:
> > Hello I am willing to start maintaining a module or even a Perl package
> or
> > library, so I would like to ask you all about the best way to start. I
> know
> > that participating in mailing lists is a good way, but I am also asking
> > about your experience and if there is someone who has a package and is
> > looking for a maintainer or co maintainer. My experience using Perl is
> not
> > too long but that is why I am looking or it. I will appreciate each of
> your
> > answers, thank you very much for your time writing down your experience.
> I suggest asking the same question on the module-authors list
> ( and also your local(ish)
> perl-mongers list. I think there are many module authors who would be
> happy
> to have help, moving on to co-maintainership and even full maintainership
> when
> they are happy that you could manage that. Or if you have some modules
> that
> you like or are familiar with, you could ask the author directly. Finding
> something from RT and sending in a patch for it would be a very good
> introduction.
> Thanks for being willing to give back.
> Good luck!
> --
> Paul Johnson -


Re: Maintain Packages

am 21.09.2011 11:39:31 von Francisco Rivas

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Thank you very much, I am reading it right now.

Have a very nice day.

2011/9/20 Magnus Woldrich

> Hi Francisco,
> Hello I am willing to start maintaining a module or even a Perl package =
>> library, so I would like to ask you all about the best way to start. I
>> know
>> that participating in mailing lists is a good way, but I am also asking
>> about your experience and if there is someone who has a package and is
>> looking for a maintainer or co maintainer. My experience using Perl is n=
>> too long but that is why I am looking or it. I will appreciate each of
>> your
>> answers, thank you very much for your time writing down your experience.
>> Have a very nice day.
> I think these guys would appreciate some help:
> And I am always looking for people to work with;
> But I think the best way (for your learning experience, and for the peopl=
> you'd
> want to help) is to find something that you're interested in, and break i=
> Then
> you can either fix it or bring attention to the issue at hands. No matter
> how
> much testing you do, there's *always* stuff that'll break.
> Not only is it easier to learn when you do something you enjoy doing, but
> just
> talking about it with someone who knows exactly what you're talking about
> helps
> a lot.
> Idling in one of the Perl irc channels (freenode, might als=
> be
> a good idea.
> Cheers,
> --
> â”=82 Magnus Woldrich
> â”=82
> â”=82
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:
