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am 07.10.2011 12:24:18 von ganesh vigneshStop mail
On 10/6/11, Chris Stinemetz
> trying to learn smart matching in an exercise.
> Why does this program output "odd" when I input an even number?
> Thank you,
> Chris
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> use 5.010;
> say "Checking the number <$ARGV[0]>";
> my $favorite = 62;
> given( $ARGV[0] ) {
> when( ! /^\d+$/ ) { say "Not a number!" }
> my @divisors = divisors( $ARGV[0] );
> when( @divisors ~~ 2 ) { # 2 is in @divisors
> say "$_ is even";
> continue;
> }
> when( !( @divisors ~~ 2 ) ) { # 2 isn't in @divisors
> say "$_ is odd!";
> continue;
> }
> when( @divisors ~~ $favorite ) {
> say "$_ is divisible by my favorite number";
> continue;
> }
> when( $favorite ) { # $_ ~~ $favorite
> say "$_ is my favorite number";
> continue;
> }
> my @empty;
> when( @divisors ~~ @empty ) { say "Number is prime" }
> default { say "$_ is divisible by @divisors" }
> }
> sub divisors {
> my $number = shift;
> my @divisors = ();
> foreach my $divisor ( 2 .. ($ARGV[0]/2 + 1) ) {
> push @divisors, $divisor unless $number % $divisor;
> }
> return @divisors;
> --
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