Introduction, and help request

Introduction, and help request

am 14.10.2011 10:51:40 von sari.csaba

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Dear Listmembers,=20


First, let me introduce myself: my name is Csaba S=E1ri, and I=92m 34 =
years old
freelancer webdeveloper. I have a 3 years old Son, and I live in =
Budapest. My English is not so good, so I apologize for it.=20


I have a project currently, where I have to store images (png, jpg and =
in Postgre, and it is in PHP5 with Jquery. I=92m using EXIF, GD for
manipulating images =96 and everything works well, only allowed type of =
could be uploaded, with max 500k size.=20


Unfortunately somebody else has designed the database, and it cannot be
modified anymore, and my problem is the following: the images has been
stored is bytea field, not like LO. If somebody uploading an image, I =
to resize the images for 3 different sizes (it=92s a standard $post, =
then move
to a designated location, transform to this sizes):=20

- resize the original one for a 50x50px small thumb

- resize the original one for a 128x128px medium thumb

- and resize the original one for a 900x900px large thumb (of
course if the image is larger than the proper size, if it is smaller I =
copy it)

- extra: there is a =91cut profile image from the original =
image=92 =96
like in Facebook =96 function.=20


After resizing complete, I=92m escaping binary with pg_escape_bytea(), =
to the table:=20



pg_query($dbconn, "begin");


$query =3D "INSERT INTO users_picturesalbums_pictures=20

(album_id, title, photo, photo_50, photo_128, photo_900, inocent,
photo_name, mimetype, enable_comments)=20


('" .
$albumid . "', '" . pg_escape_string($title) . "', E'" . $pic_origin . =
E'" . $pic_50 . "', E'" . $pic_128 . "', E'" . $pic_900 . "','" . =
$inocent .
"','" . pg_escape_string($name) . "','" . $mimetype . "','" .
$enablecomments . "');";


$result =3D pg_query($dbconn, $query);


pg_query($dbconn, "commit");




After this transaction is complete, I delete the temporary files, =
seems fine =96 BUT the image in the table looks like broken. When I want =
display it, sometimes the small one (50x50), or the medium one (128x128)
looks like, which is broken at the half of the image upload, or =BE of =
image upload. I checked the temporary files before I delete it, they are =
so the problem is not with the image manipulation.=20


I=92ve try to tune the PostgreSQL conf (larger mem, workmem, buffers =
php.ini, apache, but always the same result: sometimes upload is ok,
sometimes the upload broke. And I don=92t know what did I wrong, or what =
can I set.=20


If you have any suggestion, advice, experience please send me.=20


Thank you in advance,


Kind regards,


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charset=3Diso-8859-1"> 12 (filtered medium)"> vlink=3Dpurple>

lang=3DEN-US>Dear Listmembers,


class=3DMsoNormal>First, let me introduce myself: my =
name is Csaba S=E1ri, and I’m 34 years old freelancer =
webdeveloper. I have a 3 years old Son, and I live in Hungary, Budapest. =
My English is not so good, so I apologize for it. =


lang=3DEN-US>I have a project currently, where I have to store images =
(png, jpg and gif) in Postgre, and it is in PHP5 with Jquery. I’m =
using EXIF, GD for manipulating images – and everything works =
well, only allowed type of images could be uploaded, with max 500k size. =


lang=3DEN-US>Unfortunately somebody else has designed the database, and =
it cannot be modified anymore, and my problem is the following: the =
images has been stored is bytea field, not like LO. If somebody =
uploading an image, I have to resize the images for 3 different sizes =
(it’s a standard $post, then move to a designated location, =
transform to this sizes):

class=3DMsoListParagraph style=3D'text-indent:-18.0pt;mso-list:l0 level1 =
lfo1'> style=3D'mso-list:Ignore'>- Roman"'>          =
resize the original =
one for a 50x50px small thumb

class=3DMsoListParagraph style=3D'text-indent:-18.0pt;mso-list:l0 level1 =
lfo1'> style=3D'mso-list:Ignore'>- Roman"'>          =
resize the original =
one for a 128x128px medium thumb

class=3DMsoListParagraph style=3D'text-indent:-18.0pt;mso-list:l0 level1 =
lfo1'> style=3D'mso-list:Ignore'>- Roman"'>          =
and resize the =
original one for a 900x900px large thumb (of course if the image is =
larger than the proper size, if it is smaller I just copy =

style=3D'text-indent:-18.0pt;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1'> !supportLists]>- style=3D'font:7.0pt "Times New =
Roman"'>          =
extra: there is a =
‘cut profile image from the original image’ – like in =
Facebook – function.


class=3DMsoNormal>After resizing complete, I’m =
escaping binary with pg_escape_bytea(), INSERT to the table: =



style=3D'text-indent:35.4pt'>pg_query($dbconn, =

lang=3DEN-US>              =A0 =

class=3DMsoNormal> lang=3DEN-US>              =A0 $query =3D =
"INSERT INTO users_picturesalbums_pictures

class=3DMsoNormal style=3D'margin-left:106.2pt;text-indent:35.4pt'> lang=3DEN-US>(album_id, title, photo, photo_50, photo_128, photo_900, =
inocent, photo_name, mimetype, enable_comments)

class=3DMsoNormal style=3D'margin-left:70.8pt;text-indent:35.4pt'> lang=3DEN-US>VALUES

lang=3DEN-US>              =A0=A 0    =
=A0               =A0 ('" . $albumid . =
"', '" . pg_escape_string($title) . "', E'" . =
$pic_origin . "', E'" . $pic_50 . "', E'" . $pic_128 =
.. "', E'" . $pic_900 . "','" . $inocent . =
"','" . pg_escape_string($name) . "','" . $mimetype =
.. "','" . $enablecomments . =

lang=3DEN-US>              =A0=A 0    =

lang=3DEN-US>              =A0 $result =3D =
pg_query($dbconn, $query);

class=3DMsoNormal> lang=3DEN-US>              =A0=A 0    =
                =A0 =

lang=3DEN-US>              =A0 =
pg_query($dbconn, "commit");




class=3DMsoNormal>After this transaction is complete, =
I delete the temporary files, everything seems fine – BUT the =
image in the table looks like broken. When I want to display it, =
sometimes the small one (50x50), or the medium one (128x128) looks like, =
which is broken at the half of the image upload, or =BE of the image =
upload. I checked the temporary files before I delete it, they are ok, =
so the problem is not with the image manipulation. =


lang=3DEN-US>I’ve try to tune the PostgreSQL conf (larger mem, =
workmem, buffers etc.), php.ini, apache, but always the same result: =
sometimes upload is ok, sometimes the upload broke. And I don’t =
know what did I wrong, or what else can I set.


class=3DMsoNormal>If you have any suggestion, advice, =
experience please send me.


class=3DMsoNormal>Thank you in =


lang=3DEN-US>Kind regards,

class=3DMsoNormal> lang=3DEN-US>Csaba


Re: Introduction, and help request

am 17.10.2011 00:03:56 von dmagick

> After this transaction is complete, I delete the temporary files,
> everything seems fine =96 BUT the image in the table looks like broken.
> When I want to display it, sometimes the small one (50x50), or the
> medium one (128x128) looks like, which is broken at the half of the
> image upload, or =BE of the image upload. I checked the temporary files
> before I delete it, they are ok, so the problem is not with the image
> manipulation.

You could try the suggestions mentioned here: 036

Postgresql & php tutorials

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Re: Introduction, and help request

am 17.10.2011 13:37:46 von sari.csaba

Dear Chris,

thank you for your response, buti t wasn't the right solution :-(... First,
I just reconfigured the postgre server, with more memory, buffers, etc, and
than I just lowered the image resolutions with GD, and now it's working. My
idea was this: somewhere a buffer (or something like this, OR there is a
timeout somewhere, but I changed all related apache and PHP settings) is
small, to accept all the image datas from the client (???), and if I make
smaller pictures, it could be ok. And it's works now fine.=20

Thank you all the suggestions.=20


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Introduction, and help request

> After this transaction is complete, I delete the temporary files,
> everything seems fine =96 BUT the image in the table looks like broken.
> When I want to display it, sometimes the small one (50x50), or the
> medium one (128x128) looks like, which is broken at the half of the
> image upload, or =BE of the image upload. I checked the temporary files
> before I delete it, they are ok, so the problem is not with the image
> manipulation.

You could try the suggestions mentioned here: 036

Postgresql & php tutorials

Sent via pgsql-php mailing list (
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Sent via pgsql-php mailing list (
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