PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 15.10.2011 18:42:12 von Ivan Cenov
I am searching for PHP binaries for Windows 64-bit.
It seems that such binaries are not supported officially at
There is some old unofficial binaries in the net.
Why there are no official support for Windows 64 bit?
Ivan Cenov
OKTO-7 Co., Botevgrad, Bulgaria,
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Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 15.10.2011 19:00:15 von Lester Caine
Ivan Cenov wrote:
> Hello,
> I am searching for PHP binaries for Windows 64-bit.
> It seems that such binaries are not supported officially at
> There is some old unofficial binaries in the net. is the current up to date source and links to a small
library of 64 bit extensions ... as well as providing matching Apache 64 bit.
> Why there are no official support for Windows 64 bit?
The 64 bit builds are not currently considered fully stable, but personally I've
not had any problems with them so far this year. They do need a lot of work to
clear a tranche of warnings in the 64bit compile logs.
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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RE: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 15.10.2011 20:12:14 von Keith Davis
From everything that I've heard, there is not much benefit to a x64
binary for PHP.
IIS can run in 32 bit mode...not sure about Apache, but you probably
already know that....
Keith Davis (214) 906-5183
-----Original Message-----
From: Lester Caine []
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:00 PM
To: php-windows
Subject: Re: [PHP-WIN] PHP 64-bit binaries?
Ivan Cenov wrote:
> Hello,
> I am searching for PHP binaries for Windows 64-bit.
> It seems that such binaries are not supported officially at
> There is some old unofficial binaries in the net. is the current up to date source and links to a
small library of 64 bit extensions ... as well as providing matching
Apache 64 bit.
> Why there are no official support for Windows 64 bit?
The 64 bit builds are not currently considered fully stable, but
personally I've not had any problems with them so far this year. They do
need a lot of work to clear a tranche of warnings in the 64bit compile
Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - EnquirySolve - Model Engineers Digital Workshop - Firebird -
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Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 16.10.2011 00:24:14 von Lester Caine
Keith Davis wrote:
>> From everything that I've heard, there is not much benefit to a x64
> binary for PHP.
Running all 64bit including the database, I'm seeing a reasonable performance
improvement over a pure 32 bit set-up on the same AMD 64bit hardware using 64bit
vista order of 10 to 15% faster. It was also worth pointing out that the same
hardware runs a good 50% faster again on a 64bit Linux OS. I think this shows
that the OS is the problem rather than the 64bit software, but the Linux OS does
seem to use the multiple cores more efficiently. I've not tested both with a 64
bit version of Windows7, the full 64bit setup installed and ran, so I've not
bothered swapping to all 32bit.
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
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Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 16.10.2011 00:55:51 von Ferenc Kovacs
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
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On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 12:24 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
> Keith Davis wrote:
>> From everything that I've heard, there is not much benefit to a x64
>> binary for PHP.
> Running all 64bit including the database,
yeah, running the database servers on 64bit is a must, mostly because of th=
memory limitations of the 32bit and the native 64bit int also has a
performance improvement for databases.
but we are talking about php here, not database servers, so that's not
really a valid point here.
> I'm seeing a reasonable performance improvement over a pure 32 bit set-up
> on the same AMD 64bit hardware using 64bit vista order of 10 to 15% faste=
> It was also worth pointing out that the same hardware runs a good 50% fas=
> again on a 64bit Linux OS. I think this shows that the OS is the problem
> rather than the 64bit software, but the Linux OS does seem to use the
> multiple cores more efficiently. I've not tested both with a 64 bit versi=
> of Windows7, the full 64bit setup installed and ran, so I've not bothered
> swapping to all 32bit.
would be curious that what would be the performance differences if
everything else would be the same, so only comparing 32bit php to 64bit php=
AFAIR 64bit php is a little bit slower.
Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l -
Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 16.10.2011 01:07:50 von Keith Davis
dWxkIHNlZSB1c2luZyBhbiB4NjQgYmluYXJ5IGlzIHRoYXQgd2UgcnVuIFdp bmNhY2hlIGFuZCBJ
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Yml0IHdpbGwgYWxsb3cuIA0KDQpTZW50IGZyb20gbXkgYWxsLXBvd2VyZnVs IGlQaG9uZSA0LA0K
IkZlcmVuYyBLb3ZhY3MiIDx0eXJhM2xAZ21haWwuY29tPiB3cm90ZToNCg0K PiBPbiBTdW4sIE9j
IHdyb3RlOg0KPiANCj4+IEtlaXRoIERhdmlzIHdyb3RlOg0KPj4gDQo+Pj4g RnJvbSBldmVyeXRo
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Pj4+PiANCj4+PiBiaW5hcnkgZm9yIFBIUC4NCj4+PiANCj4+IA0KPj4gUnVu bmluZyBhbGwgNjRi
YXRhYmFzZSBzZXJ2ZXJzIG9uIDY0Yml0IGlzIGEgbXVzdCwgbW9zdGx5IGJl Y2F1c2Ugb2YgdGhl
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aW50IGFsc28gaGFzIGENCj4gcGVyZm9ybWFuY2UgaW1wcm92ZW1lbnQgZm9y IGRhdGFiYXNlcy4N
cywgc28gdGhhdCdzIG5vdA0KPiByZWFsbHkgYSB2YWxpZCBwb2ludCBoZXJl Lg0KPiANCj4gDQo+
IA0KPj4gSSdtIHNlZWluZyBhIHJlYXNvbmFibGUgcGVyZm9ybWFuY2UgaW1w cm92ZW1lbnQgb3Zl
ciBhIHB1cmUgMzIgYml0IHNldC11cA0KPj4gb24gdGhlIHNhbWUgQU1EIDY0 Yml0IGhhcmR3YXJl
YWxzbyB3b3J0aCBwb2ludGluZyBvdXQgdGhhdCB0aGUgc2FtZSBoYXJkd2Fy ZSBydW5zIGEgZ29v
c2hvd3MgdGhhdCB0aGUgT1MgaXMgdGhlIHByb2JsZW0NCj4+IHJhdGhlciB0 aGFuIHRoZSA2NGJp
dGlwbGUgY29yZXMgbW9yZSBlZmZpY2llbnRseS4gSSd2ZSBub3QgdGVzdGVk IGJvdGggd2l0aCBh
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dGhlcndpc2UgcHJpdmlsZWdlZCBpbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBhbmQgaXMgaW50ZW5k ZWQgb25seSBmb3Ig
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ZSBhbmQgZGVsZXRlIHRoaXMgZS1tYWlsIGZyb20geW91ciBzeXN0ZW0uIEUt bWFpbCB0cmFuc21p
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IGluZm9ybWF0aW9uIGNvdWxkIGJlIGludGVyY2VwdGVkLCBjb3JydXB0ZWQs IGxvc3QsIGRlc3Ry
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c2VuZGVyIHRoZXJlZm9yZSBkb2VzIG5vdCBhY2NlcHQgbGlhYmlsaXR5IGZv ciBhbnkgZXJyb3Jz
IG9yIG9taXNzaW9ucyBpbiB0aGUgY29udGVudHMgb2YgdGhpcyBtZXNzYWdl IG9yIHRoYXQgYXJp
c2UgYXMgYSByZXN1bHQgb2YgZS1tYWlsIHRyYW5zbWlzc2lvbi4gSWYgdmVy aWZpY2F0aW9uIGlz
Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 16.10.2011 15:12:56 von Pierre Joye
On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 12:24 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
> Keith Davis wrote:
>>> From everything that I've heard, there is not much benefit to a x64
>> binary for PHP.
> Running all 64bit including the database, I'm seeing a reasonable
> performance improvement over a pure 32 bit set-up on the same AMD 64bit
> hardware using 64bit vista order of 10 to 15% faster. It was also worth
> pointing out that the same hardware runs a good 50% faster again on a 64bit
> Linux OS. I think this shows that the OS is the problem rather than the
> 64bit software, but the Linux OS does seem to use the multiple cores more
> efficiently. I've not tested both with a 64 bit version of Windows7, the
> full 64bit setup installed and ran, so I've not bothered swapping to all
> 32bit.
PHP is slower in 64bit than in 32bit modes. Databases (be oracle,
mysql or other) are another stories and many of them are faster.
However one does not have to run php in 64bit mode to talk to database
servers running in 64bit mode.
That being said, the main issues are not only for php but many
libraries used by php. They did not support windows 64bit very well
and they have not been tested enough to be ran on production servers
safely (by all means).
@pierrejoye | |
PHP Windows Mailing List (
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Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 16.10.2011 15:57:52 von Justin Dearing
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 9:12 AM, Pierre Joye wrote:
> PHP is slower in 64bit than in 32bit modes. Databases (be oracle,
> mysql or other) are another stories and many of them are faster.
> However one does not have to run php in 64bit mode to talk to database
> servers running in 64bit mode.
> Those are good points, but sometimes 64 bit php would make sense. For
example, what if I had a script that I ran from the command line that edited
xml files that were more than 3 gigabytes in size? Lets assume that this was
the only way to get this data, and this script was putting the data in a
database. I would not be able to do that operation in 32 bit php because the
entire xml file could not be loaded into memory.
The above example is more feasible then many would think (sometimes you have
no control over the format of the data you get). There are also other cases
where the memory address limitations of a 32 bit process could come into
Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 16.10.2011 16:07:03 von Pierre Joye
hi Justin!
On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 3:57 PM, Justin Dearing wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 9:12 AM, Pierre Joye wrote:
>> PHP is slower in 64bit than in 32bit modes. Databases (be oracle,
>> mysql or other) are another stories and many of them are faster.
>> However one does not have to run php in 64bit mode to talk to database
>> servers running in 64bit mode.
>> Those are good points, but sometimes 64 bit php would make sense. For
> example, what if I had a script that I ran from the command line that edited
> xml files that were more than 3 gigabytes in size? Lets assume that this was
> the only way to get this data, and this script was putting the data in a
> database. I would not be able to do that operation in 32 bit php because the
> entire xml file could not be loaded into memory.
Well, right. The only advantage is the largest maximal available
memory. But I'd to say that if one is processing GB of XML data using
DOM, then he should seriously consider xmlreader and xmlwriter. They
are stream based parser and used a constant relatively low memory foot
For the wincache example given above, if an app needs more than a
couple of GB for its user cache, solution like memcache should
seriously be considered. Opcode cache will certainly reach this value
in most cases :)
@pierrejoye | |
PHP Windows Mailing List (
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Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 16.10.2011 17:16:05 von Tomasz Krawczyk
W dniu 2011-10-16 16:07, Pierre Joye pisze:
> hi Justin!
> Well, right. The only advantage is the largest maximal available
> memory. But I'd to say that if one is processing GB of XML data using
> DOM, then he should seriously consider xmlreader and xmlwriter. They
> are stream based parser and used a constant relatively low memory foot
> print.
> For the wincache example given above, if an app needs more than a
> couple of GB for its user cache, solution like memcache should
> seriously be considered. Opcode cache will certainly reach this value
> in most cases :)
> Cheers,
> --
> Pierre
I was also thinking about x64 php.
Guys, you said that 64 bit PHP is slightly slower than 32 bit, but there
might be areas where x64 will be faster. Let's imagine site basing on
image or video processing. That kind of site could take advantage of x64.
Lester gave us a link to unofficial x64 PHP, so compilation is possible.
Maybe it is a time to start publishing x64 alpha versions of PHP,
collect bugs information and so on.
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Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 16.10.2011 17:28:30 von Pierre Joye
On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Tomasz Krawczyk wrote:
> I was also thinking about x64 php.
> Guys, you said that 64 bit PHP is slightly slower than 32 bit, but there
> might be areas where x64 will be faster. Let's imagine site basing on image
> or video processing. That kind of site could take advantage of x64.
I would not suggest to use php to process videos but to spawn the
processing to 3rd party servers using better tools.
As for images, for web images, x64 provides little gains except for
very few cases.
> Lester gave us a link to unofficial x64 PHP, so compilation is possible.
> Maybe it is a time to start publishing x64 alpha versions of PHP, collect
> bugs information and so on.
Not until libs have better support. We did that in the past and users
automatically used them instead of using the stable x86 builds. It
caused more work for no gain as we do not have the resources now to
fix all libs.
However, that does not mean we are not working on that but it is not
in the 5.4 roadmap.
@pierrejoye | |
PHP Windows Mailing List (
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Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 16.10.2011 22:46:58 von Lester Caine
Pierre Joye wrote:
> hi,
> On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 12:24 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
>> Keith Davis wrote:
>>>> From everything that I've heard, there is not much benefit to a x64
>>> binary for PHP.
>> Running all 64bit including the database, I'm seeing a reasonable
>> performance improvement over a pure 32 bit set-up on the same AMD 64bit
>> hardware using 64bit vista order of 10 to 15% faster. It was also worth
>> pointing out that the same hardware runs a good 50% faster again on a 64bit
>> Linux OS. I think this shows that the OS is the problem rather than the
>> 64bit software, but the Linux OS does seem to use the multiple cores more
>> efficiently. I've not tested both with a 64 bit version of Windows7, the
>> full 64bit setup installed and ran, so I've not bothered swapping to all
>> 32bit.
> PHP is slower in 64bit than in 32bit modes. Databases (be oracle,
> mysql or other) are another stories and many of them are faster.
> However one does not have to run php in 64bit mode to talk to database
> servers running in 64bit mode.
> That being said, the main issues are not only for php but many
> libraries used by php. They did not support windows 64bit very well
> and they have not been tested enough to be ran on production servers
> safely (by all means).
I think that perhaps the thing that is different in all my testing is that
eaccelerator is enabled. That is compiled 64bit as are all the other additional
libraries I use, such as imagemagick and the firebird client. I need to produce
a set of publishable performance figures on the machine that I've been testing
on, but that would take some time as I am more than happy with the current all
64bit setup. Testing each bit as 32bit or 64bit would take some work, but I will
endeavour just to switch the php section ... if I can get 32bit versions of all
the libraries currently being used with it.
Mixing 32bit and 64bit just seems totally wrong to me ... and I am not seeing
any unexplainable problems with my current setup, which has been running since I
first posted the 64bit links without even having to reboot windows. Something I
still have to do on customer sites with the 32bit setups :(
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
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PHP Windows Mailing List (
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Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 16.10.2011 23:37:24 von Ferenc Kovacs
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
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On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 10:46 PM, Lester Caine wrote:
> Pierre Joye wrote:
>> hi,
>> On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 12:24 AM, Lester Caine
>> wrote:
>>> Keith Davis wrote:
>>>>> From everything that I've heard, there is not much benefit to a x64
>>>> binary for PHP.
>>> Running all 64bit including the database, I'm seeing a reasonable
>>> performance improvement over a pure 32 bit set-up on the same AMD 64bit
>>> hardware using 64bit vista order of 10 to 15% faster. It was also worth
>>> pointing out that the same hardware runs a good 50% faster again on a
>>> 64bit
>>> Linux OS. I think this shows that the OS is the problem rather than the
>>> 64bit software, but the Linux OS does seem to use the multiple cores mo=
>>> efficiently. I've not tested both with a 64 bit version of Windows7, th=
>>> full 64bit setup installed and ran, so I've not bothered swapping to al=
>>> 32bit.
>> PHP is slower in 64bit than in 32bit modes. Databases (be oracle,
>> mysql or other) are another stories and many of them are faster.
>> However one does not have to run php in 64bit mode to talk to database
>> servers running in 64bit mode.
>> That being said, the main issues are not only for php but many
>> libraries used by php. They did not support windows 64bit very well
>> and they have not been tested enough to be ran on production servers
>> safely (by all means).
> I think that perhaps the thing that is different in all my testing is tha=
> eaccelerator is enabled. That is compiled 64bit as are all the other
> additional libraries I use, such as imagemagick and the firebird client. =
> need to produce a set of publishable performance figures on the machine t=
> I've been testing on, but that would take some time as I am more than hap=
> with the current all 64bit setup. Testing each bit as 32bit or 64bit woul=
> take some work, but I will endeavour just to switch the php section ... i=
f I
> can get 32bit versions of all the libraries currently being used with it.
> Mixing 32bit and 64bit just seems totally wrong to me ... and I am not
> seeing any unexplainable problems with my current setup, which has been
> running since I first posted the 64bit links without even having to reboo=
> windows. Something I still have to do on customer sites with the 32bit
> setups :(
did you checked your "Program Files (x86)" directory lately?
for windows it is common that there are apps without 64bit versions. :(
Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l -
Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 17.10.2011 00:23:21 von Pierre Joye
On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 10:46 PM, Lester Caine wrote:
> Mixing 32bit and 64bit just seems totally wrong to me ...
There is nothing wrong here but a totally normal configuration.
If one takes care of performances, the database server(s) are separate
servers anyway. And they are totally unrelated to the clients
connecting to them.
> and I am not
> seeing any unexplainable problems with my current setup, which has been
> running since I first posted the 64bit links without even having to reboot
> windows. Something I still have to do on customer sites with the 32bit
> setups :(
I see literally dozen. Many libraries do even claim no support for
win64 as it is totally untested and could suffer from many unknown
issues (including security ones). We have discussed that in the past
already and I would really appreciate that you stop to say that there
is no issue as it is totally misleading.
@pierrejoye | |
PHP Windows Mailing List (
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Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 17.10.2011 09:38:48 von Lester Caine
Ferenc Kovacs wrote:
> did you checked your "Program Files (x86)" directory lately?
> for windows it is common that there are apps without 64bit versions. :(
If these machines had to run anything other than the Apache/PHP/Firebird stack
that might be relevant, but my hands are tied by the customer to provide a
Windows based server rather than the preferred Linux setup. Most other things
are simply removed since they are not required, just leaving only the code
required to run the stack.
Yes Pierre - on the larger systems we run multiple machines, but on sites that
only require a single computer, a single clean stack is also nice, with
everything in the one base directory and without the agro of deciding if this is
a 32bit or 64bit program. Everything running on the Linux boxes is 64 bit, and
everything is built from the same code base, so I will continue to use a single
64bit stack ... and when problems arise then I will deal with them, but nothing
is giving me a problem currently ...
Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
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PHP Windows Mailing List (
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Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 17.10.2011 10:30:32 von Pierre Joye
On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 9:38 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
> Yes Pierre - on the larger systems we run multiple machines, but on sites
> that only require a single computer, a single clean stack is also nice, with
> everything in the one base directory and without the agro of deciding if
> this is a 32bit or 64bit program. Everything running on the Linux boxes is
> 64 bit, and everything is built from the same code base, so I will continue
> to use a single 64bit stack ..
We are not talking about a linux stack here. And a server, even on the
same machine, has nothing to do with the clients connecting to it, as
explained earlier already.
@pierrejoye | |
PHP Windows Mailing List (
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Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 17.10.2011 10:46:39 von Lester Caine
Pierre Joye wrote:
>> Yes Pierre - on the larger systems we run multiple machines, but on sites
>> > that only require a single computer, a single clean stack is also nice, with
>> > everything in the one base directory and without the agro of deciding if
>> > this is a 32bit or 64bit program. Everything running on the Linux boxes is
>> > 64 bit, and everything is built from the same code base, so I will continue
>> > to use a single 64bit stack ..
> We are not talking about a linux stack here. And a server, even on the
> same machine, has nothing to do with the clients connecting to it, as
> explained earlier already.
? I'm running the full stack on windows as 64 bit code and seeing a performance
improvement over the 32bit version. Stripping parts out of the 64 bit stack and
just running them 32bit may be worth the effort, but *I* am happy that my own
PHP section running 64bit libraries for graphics and eaccelerator is running
faster than switching just that section to 32 bit. There way well be room for
improvement, but having to sort out which programs can be 64bit and which 32bit
is just messy. Apache running 64 bit IS faster so using a 32 bit version once
one switches to VC9 builds, so maintaining everything 64bit VC9 just seems
sensible. Exactly the same as it is on Linux anyway.
Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
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PHP Windows Mailing List (
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Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 17.10.2011 11:26:01 von Ferenc Kovacs
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
> Pierre Joye wrote:
>> Yes Pierre - on the larger systems we run multiple machines, but on site=
>>> > that only require a single computer, a single clean stack is also
>>> nice, with
>>> > everything in the one base directory and without the agro of decidin=
>>> if
>>> > this is a 32bit or 64bit program. Everything running on the Linux
>>> boxes is
>>> > 64 bit, and everything is built from the same code base, so I will
>>> continue
>>> > to use a single 64bit stack ..
>> We are not talking about a linux stack here. And a server, even on the
>> same machine, has nothing to do with the clients connecting to it, as
>> explained earlier already.
> ? I'm running the full stack on windows as 64 bit code and seeing a
> performance improvement over the 32bit version.
we are talking about your whole stack, as you didn't ran benchmarks using
32bit php vs 64bit php.
> Stripping parts out of the 64 bit stack and just running them 32bit may b=
> worth the effort,
yeah, using 32bit php should gain you a little bit performance gain, and
more stable and supported build.
> but *I* am happy that my own PHP section running 64bit libraries for
> graphics and eaccelerator is running faster than switching just that sect=
> to 32 bit.
how do you know that it is running faster? did you benchmarked it against
the 32bit version? I thought that you didn't.
> There way well be room for improvement, but having to sort out which
> programs can be 64bit and which 32bit is just messy.
yeah, life is a bitch.
> Apache running 64 bit IS faster
are you sure?
I didn't really see any benchmarks supporting that fact, let alone for
windows, which is usually less of an interest for the apache httpd
> so using a 32 bit version once one switches to VC9 builds, so maintaining
> everything 64bit VC9 just seems sensible. Exactly the same as it is on Li=
> anyway.
yeah, if you are using php as an apache module, but if you use for example
fastcgi, you can run 32bit php with 64bit apache or vice versa.
Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l -
Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 17.10.2011 12:55:03 von Pierre Joye
On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
> Pierre Joye wrote:
>>> Yes Pierre - on the larger systems we run multiple machines, but on sit=
>>> > =A0that only require a single computer, a single clean stack is also
>>> > nice, with
>>> > =A0everything in the one base directory and without the agro of decid=
>>> > if
>>> > =A0this is a 32bit or 64bit program. Everything running on the Linux
>>> > boxes is
>>> > =A064 bit, and everything is built from the same code base, so I will
>>> > continue
>>> > =A0to use a single 64bit stack ..
>> We are not talking about a linux stack here. And a server, even on the
>> same machine, has nothing to do with the clients connecting to it, as
>> explained earlier already.
> ? I'm running the full stack on windows as 64 bit code and seeing a
> performance improvement over the 32bit version. Stripping parts out of th=
> 64 bit stack and just running them 32bit may be worth the effort
Quoting your last mail:
" Everything running on the Linux boxes is 64 bit, and everything is
built from the same code base, so I will continue=A0to use a single
64bit stack ..". So let stop this confusing discussion, points have
been made, we have ran extensive tests with all possible apps and
backends, PHP is actually slower and not stable enough and in some
extend less safe when built as 64bit. And I refer only to PHP and its
libraires here, not external tools like databases.
@pierrejoye | |
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Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 17.10.2011 13:17:33 von Lester Caine
Ferenc Kovacs wrote:
> ? I'm running the full stack on windows as 64 bit code and seeing a
> performance improvement over the 32bit version.
> we are talking about your whole stack, as you didn't ran benchmarks using 32bit
> php vs 64bit php.
I haven't rolled back just part ... in fact I have yet to find 32 bit builds of
some of the extensions I use, but see last note ...
> Stripping parts out of the 64 bit stack and just running them 32bit may be
> worth the effort,
> yeah, using 32bit php should gain you a little bit performance gain, and more
> stable and supported build.
> but *I* am happy that my own PHP section running 64bit libraries for
> graphics and eaccelerator is running faster than switching just that section
> to 32 bit.
> how do you know that it is running faster? did you benchmarked it against the
> 32bit version? I thought that you didn't.
I've not rolled back to 32bit with 5.3.8 ... the base benchmark was back at
5.3.5 time frame, although I'm not seeing any difference between 5.3.7 and 5.3.8
on 64bit speed wise.
> Apache running 64 bit IS faster
> are you sure?
Fairly ... but I've just wiped the 32bit vista machine and that will have a
clean 64bit W7 next so I've got another chance to get the figures.
> I didn't really see any benchmarks supporting that fact, let alone for windows,
> which is usually less of an interest for the apache httpd developers.
Anindya builds both x86 and x64 versions of Apache with VC9 since there are no
official builds of Apache we can use with PHP anyway, so complaining that I'm
not using an official PHP is a little academic anyway :) I'll run in just the
Apache first and play with that - but my benchmarks are on PHP :(
> so using a 32 bit version once one switches to VC9 builds, so maintaining
> everything 64bit VC9 just seems sensible. Exactly the same as it is on Linux
> anyway.
> yeah, if you are using php as an apache module, but if you use for example
> fastcgi, you can run 32bit php with 64bit apache or vice versa.
I only ever use php5apache2_2.dll in Apache ...
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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Re: PHP 64-bit binaries?
am 17.10.2011 13:28:07 von Lester Caine
Pierre Joye wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
>> Pierre Joye wrote:
>>>> Yes Pierre - on the larger systems we run multiple machines, but on sites
>>>>> that only require a single computer, a single clean stack is also
>>>>> nice, with
>>>>> everything in the one base directory and without the agro of deciding
>>>>> if
>>>>> this is a 32bit or 64bit program. Everything running on the Linux
>>>>> boxes is
>>>>> 64 bit, and everything is built from the same code base, so I will
>>>>> continue
>>>>> to use a single 64bit stack ..
>>> We are not talking about a linux stack here. And a server, even on the
>>> same machine, has nothing to do with the clients connecting to it, as
>>> explained earlier already.
>> ? I'm running the full stack on windows as 64 bit code and seeing a
>> performance improvement over the 32bit version. Stripping parts out of the
>> 64 bit stack and just running them 32bit may be worth the effort
> Quoting your last mail:
> " Everything running on the Linux boxes is 64 bit, and everything is
> built from the same code base, so I will continue to use a single
> 64bit stack ..". So let stop this confusing discussion, points have
> been made, we have ran extensive tests with all possible apps and
> backends, PHP is actually slower and not stable enough and in some
> extend less safe when built as 64bit. And I refer only to PHP and its
> libraires here, not external tools like databases.
"so I will continue to use a single 64bit stack .. " on Windows since my
starting point is the 64 bit build of Apache using php5apache2_2.dll built from
the same code base as the 64 bit Linux stack ...
Since there are no 'official' VC9 builds of Apache we are starting from an
unofficial base anyway.
It would be useful to know where you are seeing stability issues since I have
yet to find any and have a number of fairly busy sites running on it. These are
all intranet, so have had quite a hammering from the IT departments security
wise without any failures, but are not accessible outside the network.
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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