perl + mysql + DBD + DBI

perl + mysql + DBD + DBI

am 07.02.2003 18:08:45 von tiagojab

Hello people,

the situation is the following: I compiled Perl 5.8.0,
mysql 3.23.53, Perl 5.8.0, DBI 1.32, and DBD-2.10.24
with gcc v2.95.3 and ld (unknow version) and as
2.11.2, and make v3.8.
And I'm using Solaris 8 (SUN_OS 5.8).

Evething was ok, except DBD, that fails on the 'make
test' step.

Then, I made a simple script in perl to show the
drives and connect with the database by DBI:mysql. And
the message I received was:

Available Drivers: ExampleP, Proxy, mysql /usr/local/bin/perl: fatal: relocation error:
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/sun4-solaris/auto/DBD/m ysql/
symbol mysql_init: referenced symbol not found

Can someone help me finding whereis the error ??

Many thanks.

Sharon Parker

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