Dropping Trailing Whitespace

Dropping Trailing Whitespace

am 17.03.2003 15:40:10 von Gabriel Weinberg

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I am using DBD::mysql w/ perl v5.8.0 on a system running FreeBSD
5.0-RELEASE #0 and mysql Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.55, for
portbld-freebsd5.0 (i386).

I have a table with a column defined as the following.


I am inserting binary md5 hashes into this column using the Digest::MD5

Most data works fine. However, if the hash has a trailing white space
(ascii character 32), it seems to be getting truncated on the way to
MySQL, such that subsequent queries to find the hash fail. Of course,
if I do the truncation myself, everything works fine, but the character
really does matter.

I am inserting and comparing via binding the values.

I prepare the queries, and pass the binary hash to the query via the
execute function.

Any ideas?

Attached is an example script that illustrates the problem.

Thank you,


Gabriel Weinberg

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