Cannot access MySQL from Perl after Upgrading to 4.0 (On Linux)

Cannot access MySQL from Perl after Upgrading to 4.0 (On Linux)

am 19.03.2003 21:53:12 von Hal Vaughan

I'm using Mandrake Linux 8.2 (upgraded the RPMs to 9.0). It originally h=
MySQL 3.23 and I had no trouble using it from Perl.

Last night I upgraded to MySQL 4.0.x. It wasn't a straight upgrade -- I=20
basically copied the old files to backup directories and installed 4.0.x =

Now whenever I try to access MySQL from Perl (using the DBI interface), I=
this error:

DBI connect('database=3Dlopas','hal',...) failed: Can't connect to local =
server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) at line 11
Can't connect

There is no socket file (mysql.sock) in the /var/lib/mysql directory (thi=
s is=20
the MySQL data dir on this system). (I can't find one in the backup=20
directory either, but it is possible I outsmarted myself and somehow dele=

I searched and found a few things similar to my situation. One=
to check on the socket with this command line:

mysqladmin --protocol=3Dsocket --socket=3D/tmp/mysql.sock version

which I did, and got this error:

mysqladmin: ERROR: unknown variable 'protocol=3Dsocket'

So why am I getting this error for something is telling me to d=
o (I=20
notice when I do mysqladmin --help, --protocol is no mentioned at all)?

And, most important, how do I get Perl working with MySQL again?

Thanks for any help or suggestions (or even a URL for the M to RTF!)


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