How to install MySQL in order for DBI/DBD MySQL install to work

How to install MySQL in order for DBI/DBD MySQL install to work

am 09.10.2003 20:26:15 von Carol Andrejak

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Hello listers,

I have been having a terrible time trying to get the perl DBD module installed to interface between my WebEvent calendar program and the MySQL database. I used to have a working MySQL that had been compiled from the binaries; but now I don't thanks to this fiasco. Things had gotten so messed up that I removed everything I could find that had anything to do with MySQL and now I am going to start over. Before I install MySQL (from RPMs as I am running RedHat 8.0) is there anything I need to do before hand to make sure the install will put files where they need to go so that I can get the DBD module to install. Before, the DBD module was looking for the mysql.d file to be in /usr/include/ and for a file to be in /usr/shared/. (There was no such file on my machine.)

I am about to install MySQL server, client, shared, and devel rpm's. Before I do, I am ready to listen to any advice you folks can offer. Thanks.

Carol Andrejak
DSU Webmaster
Grossley Hall Rm. 7
