Minimum buffer length for Response.Flush?

Minimum buffer length for Response.Flush?

am 09.09.2004 19:12:58 von Matthias Straka


I'm working on a website with an IHttpHandler that listens to changes in=
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database and sends some text to the client. The client is always connect=
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to the handler, this way I can use a push method.
Every time a text is to be sent I flush the buffer. The problem is, that=

there seems to be a minimum size the buffer has to have before =

really flushes the buffer and sends the data.

As a workaround I insert a few 100 bytes into a section to get =

the buffer flushed. Any flush after the first working flush works as =

expected. I don't like the comment-section though. Where could the probl=
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