Again a question

Again a question

am 02.10.2003 11:50:48 von uth

Hi all,

I'm trying still to programm a websurvey with saving the data in a db.

On the first page the user has to fill out a form (some radiobuttons).

I would like to store the results in my MySQL-db. On this first site ther=
e are 3 variables $Q1-$Q2 for 3 questions.

Now I tried the following:

=09print "

=20 my $daten =3D { Q1 =3D> $Q1,
=20 Q2 =3D> $Q2,
=20 Q3 =3D> $Q3};
=09 my $dbh =3D db_open("mypoll300903", "testuser", "authmysql");
=20 $dbh->disconnect();
=20 &eintrag($dbh, $daten);
=09 print "";
=09 print " =20Frage'>";
=20 print "

With the error-message, that the variables $Q1... Requires explicit packa=
ge name.

I produce the HTML-part in a subprogram, where the number of questions ca=
n be give as an argument.

Any ideas, how I could do what I want or where I could find a documentati=
on about this=20
(havn't found it in perldoc DBI)

Thanks a lot

Thomas (and sorry for my terrible english)
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Re: Again a question

am 02.10.2003 13:09:42 von Ulrich Borchers

Please don't hate me but you should read some tutorials first
and get familiar with a few things about cgi and mysql.
maybe google will give you a clue ("tutorial cgi mysql").

are you sure that you retrieve the posted vars $Q1...
correctly from the environment ?

why do you disconnect before storing data (&eintrag) ?

outputting the form and storing data in the
same code block looks a little bit strange to me.


On 2 Oct 2003 at 11:50, Unternährer Thomas, uth wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying still to programm a websurvey with saving the data in a db.
> On the first page the user has to fill out a form (some radiobuttons).
> I would like to store the results in my MySQL-db. On this first site the=
re are 3 variables $Q1-$Q2 for 3 questions.
> Now I tried the following:
> print "

> my $daten =3D { Q1 =3D> $Q1,
> Q2 =3D> $Q2,
> Q3 =3D> $Q3};
> my $dbh =3D db_open("mypoll300903", "testuser", "authmysql");
> $dbh->disconnect();
> &eintrag($dbh, $daten);
> print "";
> print " Frage'>";
> print "
> With the error-message, that the variables $Q1... Requires explicit pack=
age name.
> I produce the HTML-part in a subprogram, where the number of questions c=
an be give as an argument.
> Any ideas, how I could do what I want or where I could find a documentat=
ion about this
> (havn't found it in perldoc DBI)
> Thanks a lot
> Thomas (and sorry for my terrible english)
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Re: Again a question

am 02.10.2003 13:09:42 von Ulrich Borchers

Please don't hate me but you should read some tutorials first
and get familiar with a few things about cgi and mysql.
maybe google will give you a clue ("tutorial cgi mysql").

are you sure that you retrieve the posted vars $Q1...
correctly from the environment ?

why do you disconnect before storing data (&eintrag) ?

outputting the form and storing data in the
same code block looks a little bit strange to me.


On 2 Oct 2003 at 11:50, Unternährer Thomas, uth wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying still to programm a websurvey with saving the data in a db.
> On the first page the user has to fill out a form (some radiobuttons).
> I would like to store the results in my MySQL-db. On this first site the=
re are 3 variables $Q1-$Q2 for 3 questions.
> Now I tried the following:
> print "

> my $daten =3D { Q1 =3D> $Q1,
> Q2 =3D> $Q2,
> Q3 =3D> $Q3};
> my $dbh =3D db_open("mypoll300903", "testuser", "authmysql");
> $dbh->disconnect();
> &eintrag($dbh, $daten);
> print "";
> print " Frage'>";
> print "
> With the error-message, that the variables $Q1... Requires explicit pack=
age name.
> I produce the HTML-part in a subprogram, where the number of questions c=
an be give as an argument.
> Any ideas, how I could do what I want or where I could find a documentat=
ion about this
> (havn't found it in perldoc DBI)
> Thanks a lot
> Thomas (and sorry for my terrible english)
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