Session database error

Session database error

am 31.10.2003 16:23:02 von mark.r.osullivan

Anyone know how I can retain session information when I repaint a form in
perl which has invalid textfields and then link to a database. The way my
code works is as follows:
validate_form -> valids input from perl form, if incorrect repaints form
with error message.
display_form-> displays the current form
process_form-> everything okay and link to database.
The problem here is retaining the $user and $password to link to database
if error occurs. Any idea how to get around this.


use DBI;
use DBD::mysql;
use vars qw($ob,$user,$password);
use CGI qw(:cgi); # Include CGI functions
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Session;

$query = new CGI;
print $query->header;

$ob = Session->new();


# extract name and password from session
$user = $ob->{SESSION}{user};
$password = $ob->{SESSION}{password};

print "The user is $user";
print "The password is $password";

sub display_form
my $error_message = shift;
my $your_task = shift;
my $your_weeks = shift;
my $your_days = shift;
my $approved = shift;
my $formMonth = shift;
my $formDay = shift;
my $formYear = shift;
my $successMeasuredBy = shift;

print "The error message is $error_message";

# Build "selected" HTML for the "Approved" drop-down list
my $my_approved_detail = "";
my @my_approved_opts = ("IVM-1136","WAG");

foreach my $my_approved_option ( @my_approved_opts )
$my_approved_detail .= "";

print "Task to be added for user to waiting room<br /> table";
print "";
print "";
print " \"middle\">Hi. Add a new task to your user profile :

print "

type=\"hidden\" name=\"submit\"


print "";
print "";
print "";
print "";

print "";
print "
Task: \"100\" name=\"task\" value=\"$your_task\">
Estimated Size: maxLength = \"3\" size=\"3\" value=\"$your_weeks\" name=\"weeks\"> weeks
value=\"$your_days\"> days
Completion Date:-";
print "-";
print "";
print "
Success Measured By: maxLength = \"100\" name=\"successMeasuredBy\"

print "";
print "";
print "";

sub validate_form

#general variables associated with form
my $your_task = $query->param("task");
my $your_weeks = $query->param("weeks");
my $your_days = $query->param("days");
my $approved = $query->param("approved");
my $formMonth = $query->param("formMonth");
my $formDay = $query->param("formDay");
my $formYear = $query->param("formYear");
my $successMeasuredBy = $query->param("successMeasuredBy");
my $error_message = "";

$error_message .= "Please enter your task
" if ( !$your_task);

if ( $error_message )
# Errors with the form - redisplay it and return failure
($error_message,$your_task,$your_weeks,$your_days,$approved, $formMonth,$form
return 0;
return 1;

sub process_form

if ( validate_form ( ) )

# connect to database
my $dbh =
DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:database=waitingroomdetail;host=loca lhost',
$user, $password)
or die $DBI::errstr;

# prepare and execute query
$query = "INSERT INTO waitingroom (candidate, task,
estimatedSize, approved, completionDate, successMeasuredBy)
VALUES ('$user', '$task', '$estimatedSize',
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);

print "$user $password Record inserted into the database";


# disconnect from database

print "Thank You";
print "Thank you - your data has been entered correctly into


# Process form if submitted; otherwise display it
if ( $query->param("submit") )
process_form ( );
print "The user is $user";
print "The password is $password";
display_form ( );


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Re: Session database error

am 03.11.2003 13:50:42 von Tony Dean

Perhaps a solution is to do it the obvious way,
namely to include the $user and $password values
as hidden input fields in the form.

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Re: Session database error

am 03.11.2003 13:50:42 von Tony Dean

Perhaps a solution is to do it the obvious way,
namely to include the $user and $password values
as hidden input fields in the form.

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