suggestion to dbd::mysql install.pod

suggestion to dbd::mysql install.pod

am 05.12.2003 23:00:35 von shijialist


i spent 2 days installing the DBD::mysql on AIX4.3 , finaly i got it running and would like to
make some suggestions to the install.pod file

the install.pod has a lot useful information. but i hope it could be written more clear and save
user time to guess what the instruction really does. for example, the case that mysql server isn't
running on localhost. certainly in the configuration section, it mentions the options. but i am
more like to see something in the doc:
"if you don't have local mysql server running, you _need_ to append these options to perl"

by doing this, people will know exactly what to do . same thing for the mysql_config, if it could
be mentioned that mysql_config sometimes isn't in the path but perl Makefile.PL requires it, that
will save a lot time for users. i have seen so many these questions by googling.

here are some more in detail.

1. steps need to do before start 'perl Makefile.PL ,make ,make test'

** find where mysql's library installed. in my case they are

** make sure mysql_config is in your path or you can edit Makefile.PL to give correct path.

** also run 'mysql_config' to see if all the paths are correct
make sure the libs,cflags and mysql.sock point to right location
To correct libs and cflags, you can run
append --libs="-L/path/to/mysql/lib -lmysqlclient" --cflags="-I/path/to/mysql/include" to perl
To correct mysql.lock error, make a symbolic link to the real mysql.sock from /tmp/mysql.lock

2. if you don't have mysql server running on localhost, connect to remote db is fine. just append
--testdb=db_name --testuser=db_user --testpassword=db_pwd --testhost=db_host to perl Makefile.PL

3. if we have static library in /usr/local/mysql/lib/ i.e *.a file. copy these files into a
separate directory as mentioned in install.pod ( seems this is required? )

4. make test # even if this step failed with lots errors, it's probably okay to proceed to the
next step. ( in my case, even though i got a lot access error to remote db server, make install
still work later on)

thanks for reading it.


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