Fw: Weird case : Mysql can not accept insert data from perl!! PLEASE - HELP!!

Fw: Weird case : Mysql can not accept insert data from perl!! PLEASE - HELP!!

am 21.02.2004 05:32:59 von Victor Alamo

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


I am dropping this email because I have already tried all possible ways. =

Goal: Migrate Excel to Mysql using perl .=20

Howto: I have save the xls file as CVS ( comma - separate ) format =

ELTID,Telecom ID,ELTID8,ELTID Greek ATX (Cook),682-60127,Greece-->Cook =

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
perl program:

#Initialization of Libraries needed it.
use DBI;
use DBD::mysql;

#Initialization of database

my $table=3D"dnis";
my $db=3D"stats";
my $user=3D"user";
my $pass=3D" password";
my $sth2;
my $i=3D0;
my $sqlrecords;
my $export_sql;
my $source=3D"/home/canario/eltid.txt";


# Tell the script that we will use Mysql database

my $drh=3DDBI->install_driver('mysql');

# Establish connectin with the database

my $dbh=3D$drh->connect($db,$user,$pass);

# A simple check to see if we connect6

if (!$dbh) {

print "cannot connect: $DBI::errstr

open(LOG,$source) or die("Could not open log file.");

foreach $line (){
#while () {
my ($ipcode, $ip_name, $prod_id, $prod_name, $actual_num, $rate_desc, =
$country, $updated)=3Dsplit(/,/,$line);

print "column: $i\n";
print "ipcode:$ipcode\n";
print "ip_name:$ip_name\n";
print "prod_id:$prod_id\n";
print "prod_name:$prod_name\n";
print "actual_num:$actual_num\n";
print "rate_desc:$rate_desc\n";
print "country:$country\n";
print "updated:$updated\n";


#if ipcode is not null then -> Export the data to the Mysql database

#if ($ipcode !=3D"") {
$sqlrecords =3D "insert into =
$table(ipcode,ip_name,prod_id,prod_name,actual_num,rate_desc ,country,upda=
ted) values =
('$ipcode','$ip_name','$prod_id','$prod_name','$actual_num', '$rate_desc',=

print "$sqlrecords\n";
# }





++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++=

Description of program:=20
It read from cvs file row by row and it goes insert the data read from =
file into mysql table. Just a simple loop with single query.

I have checked the log file from Mysql and I can see 700 insert queries =
, but , when I check the table there is ONLY A SINGLE ROW ENTRY - REST =

Please HELP!!

Thanks in advance.



Re: Fw: Weird case : Mysql can not accept insert data from perl!! PLEASE - HELP!!

am 21.02.2004 07:50:37 von Ulrich Borchers

Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
Content-description: Mail message body

you don't need a script for this.


load data local infile into table


http://www.mysql.com/documentation/mysql/bychapter/manual_Tu torial.html#Loadi

if you still want to use your script, then maybe

while ($line = )

is better than

foreach $line ()


On 21 Feb 2004 at 12:32, Victor Alamo wrote:

> Hi,
> I am dropping this email because I have already tried all possible ways.
> Goal: Migrate Excel to Mysql using perl .
> Howto: I have save the xls file as CVS ( comma - separate ) format like:
> i.e:
> ELTID,Telecom ID,ELTID8,ELTID Greek ATX (Cook),682-60127,Greece-->Cook Island,GR,27-Apr-98
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
> perl program:
> #Initialization of Libraries needed it.
> use DBI;
> use DBD::mysql;
> #Initialization of database
> my $table="dnis";
> my $db="stats";
> my $user="user";
> my $pass=" password";
> my $sth2;
> my $i=0;
> my $sqlrecords;
> my $export_sql;
> my $source="/home/canario/eltid.txt";
> #$LOGFILE="ELTID.csv ";
> # Tell the script that we will use Mysql database
> my $drh=DBI->install_driver('mysql');
> # Establish connectin with the database
> my $dbh=$drh->connect($db,$user,$pass);
> # A simple check to see if we connect6
> if (!$dbh) {
> print "cannot connect: $DBI::errstr
> die;
> }
> open(LOG,$source) or die("Could not open log file.");
> foreach $line (){
> #while () {
> my ($ipcode, $ip_name, $prod_id, $prod_name, $actual_num, $rate_desc, $country, $updated)=split(/,/,$line);
> print "column: $i\n";
> print "ipcode:$ipcode\n";
> print "ip_name:$ip_name\n";
> print "prod_id:$prod_id\n";
> print "prod_name:$prod_name\n";
> print "actual_num:$actual_num\n";
> print "rate_desc:$rate_desc\n";
> print "country:$country\n";
> print "updated:$updated\n";
> $i++;
> #if ipcode is not null then -> Export the data to the Mysql database
> #if ($ipcode !="") {
> $sqlrecords = "insert into $table(ipcode,ip_name,prod_id,prod_name,actual_num,rate_desc ,country,updated) values ('$ipcode','$ip_name','$prod_id','$prod_name','$actual_num', '$rate_desc','$country','$updated')";
> print "$sqlrecords\n";
> # }
> #$sth2=$dbh->prepare($sqlrecords);
> $sth2=$dbh->do($sqlrecords);
> #$export_sql=$sth2->execute();
> }
> close(LOG);
> $sth2->finish;
> $dbh->disconnect;
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++
> Description of program:
> It read from cvs file row by row and it goes insert the data read from file into mysql table. Just a simple loop with single query.
> I have checked the log file from Mysql and I can see 700 insert queries , but , when I check the table there is ONLY A SINGLE ROW ENTRY - REST OF 699 ROW OF DATA HAS NOT BEEN INSERTED ....WHY???
> Please HELP!!
> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers,
> Vic


Re: Fw: Weird case : Mysql can not accept insert data from perl!! PLEASE - HELP!!

am 21.02.2004 07:50:37 von Ulrich Borchers

Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
Content-description: Mail message body

you don't need a script for this.


load data local infile into table


http://www.mysql.com/documentation/mysql/bychapter/manual_Tu torial.html#Loadi

if you still want to use your script, then maybe

while ($line = )

is better than

foreach $line ()


On 21 Feb 2004 at 12:32, Victor Alamo wrote:

> Hi,
> I am dropping this email because I have already tried all possible ways.
> Goal: Migrate Excel to Mysql using perl .
> Howto: I have save the xls file as CVS ( comma - separate ) format like:
> i.e:
> ELTID,Telecom ID,ELTID8,ELTID Greek ATX (Cook),682-60127,Greece-->Cook Island,GR,27-Apr-98
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
> perl program:
> #Initialization of Libraries needed it.
> use DBI;
> use DBD::mysql;
> #Initialization of database
> my $table="dnis";
> my $db="stats";
> my $user="user";
> my $pass=" password";
> my $sth2;
> my $i=0;
> my $sqlrecords;
> my $export_sql;
> my $source="/home/canario/eltid.txt";
> #$LOGFILE="ELTID.csv ";
> # Tell the script that we will use Mysql database
> my $drh=DBI->install_driver('mysql');
> # Establish connectin with the database
> my $dbh=$drh->connect($db,$user,$pass);
> # A simple check to see if we connect6
> if (!$dbh) {
> print "cannot connect: $DBI::errstr
> die;
> }
> open(LOG,$source) or die("Could not open log file.");
> foreach $line (){
> #while () {
> my ($ipcode, $ip_name, $prod_id, $prod_name, $actual_num, $rate_desc, $country, $updated)=split(/,/,$line);
> print "column: $i\n";
> print "ipcode:$ipcode\n";
> print "ip_name:$ip_name\n";
> print "prod_id:$prod_id\n";
> print "prod_name:$prod_name\n";
> print "actual_num:$actual_num\n";
> print "rate_desc:$rate_desc\n";
> print "country:$country\n";
> print "updated:$updated\n";
> $i++;
> #if ipcode is not null then -> Export the data to the Mysql database
> #if ($ipcode !="") {
> $sqlrecords = "insert into $table(ipcode,ip_name,prod_id,prod_name,actual_num,rate_desc ,country,updated) values ('$ipcode','$ip_name','$prod_id','$prod_name','$actual_num', '$rate_desc','$country','$updated')";
> print "$sqlrecords\n";
> # }
> #$sth2=$dbh->prepare($sqlrecords);
> $sth2=$dbh->do($sqlrecords);
> #$export_sql=$sth2->execute();
> }
> close(LOG);
> $sth2->finish;
> $dbh->disconnect;
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++
> Description of program:
> It read from cvs file row by row and it goes insert the data read from file into mysql table. Just a simple loop with single query.
> I have checked the log file from Mysql and I can see 700 insert queries , but , when I check the table there is ONLY A SINGLE ROW ENTRY - REST OF 699 ROW OF DATA HAS NOT BEEN INSERTED ....WHY???
> Please HELP!!
> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers,
> Vic


Re: Fw: Weird case : Mysql can not accept insert data from perl!! PLEASE - HELP!!

am 21.02.2004 08:56:54 von Patrick Galbraith


Couple tips:

One thing I can say, is the while() was fine. Secondly, in that
loop, you should probably do a 'chomp', which cuts of any trailing newlines.

while() {
my ($ipcode, $ip_name, $prod_id, $prod_name, $actual_num,
$rate_desc, $country, $updated)=split(/,/,$_);
# you can print your stuff here...do database inserts... etc. $_ is
the current line of the file being processed.


Also, you shouldn't have to 'use DBD::mysql' or call 'install_driver'. A
simple DBI->connect() with the proper $dsn value such as:

$dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$db;host=$yourhost";

my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass)

Now, the most important thing, and why your values aren't being saved,
but while you are seeing them in the log:

my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, { AutoCommit => 1});

Hope this helps!



Victor Alamo wrote:

>I am dropping this email because I have already tried all possible ways.
>Goal: Migrate Excel to Mysql using perl .
>Howto: I have save the xls file as CVS ( comma - separate ) format like:
>ELTID,Telecom ID,ELTID8,ELTID Greek ATX (Cook),682-60127,Greece-->Cook Island,GR,27-Apr-98
>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++
>perl program:
>#Initialization of Libraries needed it.
>use DBI;
>use DBD::mysql;
>#Initialization of database
>my $table="dnis";
>my $db="stats";
>my $user="user";
>my $pass=" password";
>my $sth2;
>my $i=0;
>my $sqlrecords;
>my $export_sql;
>my $source="/home/canario/eltid.txt";
>#$LOGFILE="ELTID.csv ";
># Tell the script that we will use Mysql database
>my $drh=DBI->install_driver('mysql');
># Establish connectin with the database
>my $dbh=$drh->connect($db,$user,$pass);
># A simple check to see if we connect6
>if (!$dbh) {
>print "cannot connect: $DBI::errstr
>open(LOG,$source) or die("Could not open log file.");
>foreach $line (){
>#while () {
>my ($ipcode, $ip_name, $prod_id, $prod_name, $actual_num, $rate_desc, $country, $updated)=split(/,/,$line);
>print "column: $i\n";
>print "ipcode:$ipcode\n";
>print "ip_name:$ip_name\n";
>print "prod_id:$prod_id\n";
>print "prod_name:$prod_name\n";
>print "actual_num:$actual_num\n";
>print "rate_desc:$rate_desc\n";
>print "country:$country\n";
>print "updated:$updated\n";
>#if ipcode is not null then -> Export the data to the Mysql database
>#if ($ipcode !="") {
>$sqlrecords = "insert into $table(ipcode,ip_name,prod_id,prod_name,actual_num,rate_desc ,country,updated) values ('$ipcode','$ip_name','$prod_id','$prod_name','$actual_num', '$rate_desc','$country','$updated')";
>print "$sqlrecords\n";
># }
>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++
>Description of program:
>It read from cvs file row by row and it goes insert the data read from file into mysql table. Just a simple loop with single query.
>I have checked the log file from Mysql and I can see 700 insert queries , but , when I check the table there is ONLY A SINGLE ROW ENTRY - REST OF 699 ROW OF DATA HAS NOT BEEN INSERTED ....WHY???
>Please HELP!!
>Thanks in advance.

Patrick Galbraith, Senior Systems Engineer
MySQL AB, www.mysql.com
Office: +1 206 719 2461

Are you MySQL certified? www.mysql.com/certification

MySQL Perl Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/perl
To unsubscribe: http://lists.mysql.com/perl?unsub=gcdmp-msql-mysql-modules@m .gmane.org

Re: Fw: Weird case : Mysql can not accept insert data from perl!! PLEASE - HELP!!

am 21.02.2004 08:56:54 von Patrick Galbraith


Couple tips:

One thing I can say, is the while() was fine. Secondly, in that
loop, you should probably do a 'chomp', which cuts of any trailing newlines.

while() {
my ($ipcode, $ip_name, $prod_id, $prod_name, $actual_num,
$rate_desc, $country, $updated)=split(/,/,$_);
# you can print your stuff here...do database inserts... etc. $_ is
the current line of the file being processed.


Also, you shouldn't have to 'use DBD::mysql' or call 'install_driver'. A
simple DBI->connect() with the proper $dsn value such as:

$dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$db;host=$yourhost";

my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass)

Now, the most important thing, and why your values aren't being saved,
but while you are seeing them in the log:

my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, { AutoCommit => 1});

Hope this helps!



Victor Alamo wrote:

>I am dropping this email because I have already tried all possible ways.
>Goal: Migrate Excel to Mysql using perl .
>Howto: I have save the xls file as CVS ( comma - separate ) format like:
>ELTID,Telecom ID,ELTID8,ELTID Greek ATX (Cook),682-60127,Greece-->Cook Island,GR,27-Apr-98
>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++
>perl program:
>#Initialization of Libraries needed it.
>use DBI;
>use DBD::mysql;
>#Initialization of database
>my $table="dnis";
>my $db="stats";
>my $user="user";
>my $pass=" password";
>my $sth2;
>my $i=0;
>my $sqlrecords;
>my $export_sql;
>my $source="/home/canario/eltid.txt";
>#$LOGFILE="ELTID.csv ";
># Tell the script that we will use Mysql database
>my $drh=DBI->install_driver('mysql');
># Establish connectin with the database
>my $dbh=$drh->connect($db,$user,$pass);
># A simple check to see if we connect6
>if (!$dbh) {
>print "cannot connect: $DBI::errstr
>open(LOG,$source) or die("Could not open log file.");
>foreach $line (){
>#while () {
>my ($ipcode, $ip_name, $prod_id, $prod_name, $actual_num, $rate_desc, $country, $updated)=split(/,/,$line);
>print "column: $i\n";
>print "ipcode:$ipcode\n";
>print "ip_name:$ip_name\n";
>print "prod_id:$prod_id\n";
>print "prod_name:$prod_name\n";
>print "actual_num:$actual_num\n";
>print "rate_desc:$rate_desc\n";
>print "country:$country\n";
>print "updated:$updated\n";
>#if ipcode is not null then -> Export the data to the Mysql database
>#if ($ipcode !="") {
>$sqlrecords = "insert into $table(ipcode,ip_name,prod_id,prod_name,actual_num,rate_desc ,country,updated) values ('$ipcode','$ip_name','$prod_id','$prod_name','$actual_num', '$rate_desc','$country','$updated')";
>print "$sqlrecords\n";
># }
>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++
>Description of program:
>It read from cvs file row by row and it goes insert the data read from file into mysql table. Just a simple loop with single query.
>I have checked the log file from Mysql and I can see 700 insert queries , but , when I check the table there is ONLY A SINGLE ROW ENTRY - REST OF 699 ROW OF DATA HAS NOT BEEN INSERTED ....WHY???
>Please HELP!!
>Thanks in advance.

Patrick Galbraith, Senior Systems Engineer
MySQL AB, www.mysql.com
Office: +1 206 719 2461

Are you MySQL certified? www.mysql.com/certification

MySQL Perl Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/perl
To unsubscribe: http://lists.mysql.com/perl?unsub=gcdmp-msql-mysql-modules@m .gmane.org

Re: Fw: Weird case : Mysql can not accept insert data from perl!! PLEASE - HELP!!

am 21.02.2004 14:49:05 von Rudy Lippan

On Fri, 20 Feb 2004, Patrick Galbraith wrote:

> Now, the most important thing, and why your values aren't being saved,
> but while you are seeing them in the log:
> my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, { AutoCommit => 1});

DBI defaults to {AutoCommit => 1} when not specified, so I do not think
this is the problem. My guess would be

> >$sqlrecords = "insert into
> >$table(ipcode,ip_name,prod_id,prod_name,actual_num,rate_des c,country,updated)
> >values
> >('$ipcode','$ip_name','$prod_id','$prod_name','$actual_num' ,'$rate_desc','$country','$updated')";
> >

that there are no place holders here and that $prod_name or $rate_desc or
something has quotes in it that are causing a syntax error on $dbh->do()

> >$sth2=$dbh->do($sqlrecords);

which would not be caught because errors are ignored.

> >
> >$sth2->finish;

You only need finish() when selecing from the databse and you do not fetch
to the end of the record set.

So Victor,

Try this:

my $dbh = $dbi->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, {RaiseError =>1});


INSERT INTO $table (ip_code, ip_name, prod_id)
VALUES (?, ?, ?)
}, {}, $ip_code, $ip_name, $prod_id);


One other thing you might want to look at is CSV_XS for handling the CSV
file, a simple split /,/ will not always work because fields might have
embeded ','s or fields might be quoted and those quotes would need to be
stripped out.


MySQL Perl Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/perl
To unsubscribe: http://lists.mysql.com/perl?unsub=gcdmp-msql-mysql-modules@m .gmane.org

Re: Fw: Weird case : Mysql can not accept insert data from perl!! PLEASE - HELP!!

am 21.02.2004 14:49:05 von Rudy Lippan

On Fri, 20 Feb 2004, Patrick Galbraith wrote:

> Now, the most important thing, and why your values aren't being saved,
> but while you are seeing them in the log:
> my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, { AutoCommit => 1});

DBI defaults to {AutoCommit => 1} when not specified, so I do not think
this is the problem. My guess would be

> >$sqlrecords = "insert into
> >$table(ipcode,ip_name,prod_id,prod_name,actual_num,rate_des c,country,updated)
> >values
> >('$ipcode','$ip_name','$prod_id','$prod_name','$actual_num' ,'$rate_desc','$country','$updated')";
> >

that there are no place holders here and that $prod_name or $rate_desc or
something has quotes in it that are causing a syntax error on $dbh->do()

> >$sth2=$dbh->do($sqlrecords);

which would not be caught because errors are ignored.

> >
> >$sth2->finish;

You only need finish() when selecing from the databse and you do not fetch
to the end of the record set.

So Victor,

Try this:

my $dbh = $dbi->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, {RaiseError =>1});


INSERT INTO $table (ip_code, ip_name, prod_id)
VALUES (?, ?, ?)
}, {}, $ip_code, $ip_name, $prod_id);


One other thing you might want to look at is CSV_XS for handling the CSV
file, a simple split /,/ will not always work because fields might have
embeded ','s or fields might be quoted and those quotes would need to be
stripped out.


MySQL Perl Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/perl
To unsubscribe: http://lists.mysql.com/perl?unsub=gcdmp-msql-mysql-modules@m .gmane.org