Database design

Database design

am 26.01.2004 04:55:51 von Brian.Duke

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Can someone explain a 1:n non identifying relation?


Brian Duke



Re: Database design

am 26.01.2004 07:31:15 von Daniel Kasak

Duke, Brian wrote:

>Can someone explain a 1:n non identifying relation?
>Brian Duke

I'm Dan, and I'm unique; there's only one of me.
However if I like a store after an initial purchase from them, I may go
back and another purchase.



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R: RE: database design

am 12.09.2009 08:55:05 von Claudio Nanni - TomTom

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Id(surrogate) can be autoincrement so managed by the engine,
Joins are simpler to write.
Imagine a natural key composed of three or more fields.
Practical, with surrogate you can 'book' a record while not knowing yet all
of the values that compose the natural key.
Just a couple of points.


Il giorno 12 set, 2009 12:57 m., "Martin Gainty" ha

what are the advantages to implementing a natural key over surrogate key
Martin Gainty
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> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 15:22:57 -0700
> Subject: Re: database design
> From:
> To:
> CC:;;

> > A) You would probably want to populate the Article.Article_Type column =
with Article_Type.ID....
> --

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