am 11.11.2002 08:43:09 von engwah


Does ASP work with MyODBC?

I tried to connect to MySQL using connection string "Driver={mySQL};
Server=localhost; Port=3306; Option=0; Socket=; Stmt=; Database=myDB; Uid=;
Pwd=" and I get this message "Data source name not found and no default
driver specified "


Eng Wah

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am 11.11.2002 09:31:05 von Alan McDonald

Sure does..
DSN=MYDSN;User Id=username;PASSWORD=password;DESC=MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver
DSN;DATABASE=dbname;SERVER=servername;UID=username;PORT=3306 ;OPTION=3;STMT=;

works for me
which version of odbc are you using, the DESC would be different for 2.5

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Monday, 11 November 2002 18:43
> To:
> Subject: MyODBC
> Hi,
> Does ASP work with MyODBC?
> I tried to connect to MySQL using connection string "Driver={mySQL};
> Server=localhost; Port=3306; Option=0; Socket=; Stmt=;
> Database=myDB; Uid=;
> Pwd=" and I get this message "Data source name not found and no default
> driver specified "
> Regards,
> Eng Wah
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------
> Before posting, please check:
> (the manual)
> (the list archive)
> To unsubscribe, e-mail
> To unsubscribe from Yahoo! Groups version, e-mail

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am 12.11.2002 10:24:55 von webmaster


Have a look at

You can find there examples and tips for using ASP with MySQL via =

/////////// D W A M =
Guillaume de Lafontaine -
> NT Docs & Ressources :
> Services Internet :
> Annuaire Aquitaine :
> Espace TeleTravail :
-----Message d'origine-----
De :
=C0 :
Date : lundi 11 novembre 2002 08:37
Objet : MyODBC

|Does ASP work with MyODBC?
|I tried to connect to MySQL using connection string "Driver=3D{mySQL};
|Server=3Dlocalhost; Port=3D3306; Option=3D0; Socket=3D; Stmt=3D; =
Database=3DmyDB; Uid=3D;
|Pwd=3D" and I get this message "Data source name not found and no =
|driver specified "
|Eng Wah
|----------------------------------------------------------- ----------
|Before posting, please check:
| (the manual)
| (the list archive)
|To unsubscribe, e-mail
|To unsubscribe from Yahoo! Groups version, e-mail =

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------
Before posting, please check: (the manual) (the list archive)

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am 20.05.2003 01:02:06 von jbonnett

Can you ping the host OK? I presume the server and MySQL are running?

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim McCoy []
Sent: Friday, 16 May 2003 6:34 PM
Subject: MyODBC

MYSQL is new to me, so sorry if this question has been asked before.

I am trying to connect through MyODBC but keep getting the same error
message "Can't connect to MySQL server on (10060)". Although I
have managed to connect using other machines with the same settings. The
only way I can reproduce the error message on a machine which can
connect is by changing the default port number. Is there a second port
number that MyODBC uses if the default 3306 is in use?


3Peaks Solutions
01925 752212

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
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am 19.10.2004 00:46:37 von jbonnett

Yes, mine says that too. I just ignore it and things work OK. After a
default install you need to log in as root with an empty password to get

All the issues about installing (before, after, during) are well covered
in the MySQL manual chapter 2. See section 2.2.1 in particular for
Windows details. The archives of this mailing list cover most of it
again too.

John Bonnett

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Jones []=20
Sent: Saturday, 16 October 2004 9:45 PM
Subject: MYODBC

I have been attempting to install MySQL for some time now with no
success. In the winmysqladmin window, myodbc shows file 3.51 driver is
not found. How is this negatively impacting my ability to install

Is this causing all my access and/or privileges to be denied?

Thank you for your insight and foresight,

Ron Jones

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe: rg

RE: myodbc

am 27.02.2005 22:54:25 von jbonnett

This is the sort of setup that I use. What problem did you have with
configuring ODBC; I presume you mean creating a DSN?

You will also need to make sure that the MySQL server running on Linux
allows you to make a connection from your Windows machine. You may need =
appropriate GRANT for whatever user name you are using when connecting =

John Bonnett

-----Original Message-----
From: fatih "gönüllü []=20
Sent: Thursday, 24 February 2005 11:50 PM
Subject: myodbc

hi:) i established mysql under linux system and runing without =
problem. i
want to control with windows by a program wroten delphi. i setup myodbc
under windows but i couldn't configure it. i have no idea. there is BDE
Administaror in windows.
if you can help me, i m very happy.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around=20

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
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am 20.07.2005 17:00:30 von mberman

Below is explanation and a sample code to refresh linked table, taking
from MS-Access help on "Refresh Link" method

==================== =====3D=
==================== =====3D=
==================== ==
==================== =====3D=
==================== =====3D=
==================== ==
RefreshLink Method

Updates the connection information for a linked table (Microsoft Jet
workspaces only).



The tabledef placeholder specifies the TableDef object representing the
linked table whose connection information you want to update.


To change the connection information for a linked table, reset the
Connect property of the corresponding TableDef object and then use the
RefreshLink method to update the information. Using RefreshLink method
doesn't change the linked table's properties and Relation objects.

For this connection information to exist in all collections associated
with the TableDef object that represents the linked table, you must use
the Refresh method on each collection.

==================== =====3D=
==================== =====3D=
==================== ==
==================== =====3D=
==================== =====3D=

RefreshLink Method Example

This example uses the RefreshLink method to refresh the data in a linked
table after its connection has been changed from one data source to
another. The RefreshLinkOutput procedure is required for this procedure
to run.

Sub RefreshLinkX()

Dim dbsCurrent As Database
Dim tdfLinked As TableDef

' Open a database to which a linked table can be
' appended.
Set dbsCurrent =3D OpenDatabase("DB1.mdb")

' Create a linked table that points to a Microsoft=20
' SQL Server database.
Set tdfLinked =3D _
' Note: The DSN referenced below must be configured to=20
' use Microsoft Windows NT Authentication Mode to=20
' authorize user access to the Microsoft SQL Server.
tdfLinked.Connect =3D _
tdfLinked.SourceTableName =3D "authors"
dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Append tdfLinked

' Display contents of linked table.
Debug.Print _
"Data from linked table connected to first source:"
RefreshLinkOutput dbsCurrent

' Change connection information for linked table and=20
' refresh the connection in order to make the new data=20
' available.
' Note: The DSN referenced below must be configured to=20
' use Microsoft Windows NT Authentication Mode to=20
' authorize user access to the Microsoft SQL Server.
tdfLinked.Connect =3D _

' Display contents of linked table.
Debug.Print _
"Data from linked table connected to second source:"
RefreshLinkOutput dbsCurrent

' Delete linked table because this is a demonstration.
dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Delete tdfLinked.Name


End Sub

Sub RefreshLinkOutput(dbsTemp As Database)

Dim rstRemote As Recordset
Dim intCount As Integer

' Open linked table.
Set rstRemote =3D _

intCount =3D 0

' Enumerate Recordset object, but stop at 50 records.
With rstRemote
Do While Not .EOF And intCount < 50
Debug.Print , .Fields(0), .Fields(1)
intCount =3D intCount + 1
If Not .EOF Then Debug.Print , "[more records]"
End With

End Sub

Mikhail Berman

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin King-Turner []=20
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:27 AM
To: 'Christine Rose';
Subject: RE: MyODBC

You will need MyODBC installed on each client PC, but as it is open
source software, this is not an issue. It can be freely downloaded from
the MySQL website. If you do decide to distribute the MyODBC bianries
with your application, then you should also distribute the MyODBC source
(but you do not need to distribute your own source).

You only need one instance of MySQL, installed on the database server

In my experience, the biggest issue you will face regards Access linked
tables. When using Access with MyODBC (or any other ODBC data source
for that matter), you will almost certainly use Access linked tables
(and possibly passthrough queries). The implementation issue you have
is that if you change the definition of the ODBC datasource (e.g. server
name, database name, userid, password, etc), Access seems to require the
linked tables to be refreshed using the linked table manager. In your
scenario, this will require the linked table manager to be available ON
YOUR CLIENT'S SITE - i.e. you will not simply be able to package and
distribute your application as you do now. If anyone knows a way around
this requirement to refresh the linked tables, I'd be very interested to


-----Original Message-----
From: Christine Rose []
Sent: 20 July 2005 10:34
Subject: MyODBC

I am considering using MyODBC to connect to a MySQL database on a web
from a desktop application developed using Access 2002.


My desktop application is deployed as a complete package including
Runtime files.


I am currently looking at enhancing the application to include access to
MYSQL database on a web server and have a number of questions regarding
use of MyODBC:

1. What additional dlls would I need to include in the installation
package to allow my application to connect to a MYSQL database? Ie. Do
need to include a copy of MySQL and/or MyODBC only on all client PCs
my software?

2. If I am using MyODBC solely to connect to a MYSQL database on a
webserver then do I need a license for MyODBC? My clients are licensed
use my product but do not have the right to the source code. =20


Any feedback on the above items will be most appreciated.

C. Rose

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe: rg


am 21.07.2005 18:22:40 von Greg Fischer

Not an Attorney, but I think if you have "closed source" app
distributed with Mysql, you need a license. Maybe I am reading wrong,
but here's some links: nse.html

About the dll's, I dont know what is entailed, I bet you could hunt
down the dll's and script it into your app installer somehow.


On 7/20/05, Berman, Mikhail wrote:
> Below is explanation and a sample code to refresh linked table, taking
> from MS-Access help on "Refresh Link" method
> ==================== =====
==================== =====3D=
==================== ===3D
> ==================== =====
==================== =====3D=
==================== ===3D
> RefreshLink Method
> Updates the connection information for a linked table (Microsoft Jet
> workspaces only).
> Syntax
> tabledef.RefreshLink
> The tabledef placeholder specifies the TableDef object representing the
> linked table whose connection information you want to update.
> Remarks
> To change the connection information for a linked table, reset the
> Connect property of the corresponding TableDef object and then use the
> RefreshLink method to update the information. Using RefreshLink method
> doesn't change the linked table's properties and Relation objects.
> For this connection information to exist in all collections associated
> with the TableDef object that represents the linked table, you must use
> the Refresh method on each collection.
> ==================== =====
==================== =====3D=
==================== ===3D
> ==================== =====
==================== =====3D=
> RefreshLink Method Example
> This example uses the RefreshLink method to refresh the data in a linked
> table after its connection has been changed from one data source to
> another. The RefreshLinkOutput procedure is required for this procedure
> to run.
> Sub RefreshLinkX()
> Dim dbsCurrent As Database
> Dim tdfLinked As TableDef
> ' Open a database to which a linked table can be
> ' appended.
> Set dbsCurrent =3D OpenDatabase("DB1.mdb")
> ' Create a linked table that points to a Microsoft
> ' SQL Server database.
> Set tdfLinked =3D _
> dbsCurrent.CreateTableDef("AuthorsTable")
> ' Note: The DSN referenced below must be configured to
> ' use Microsoft Windows NT Authentication Mode to
> ' authorize user access to the Microsoft SQL Server.
> tdfLinked.Connect =3D _
> "ODBC;DATABASE=3Dpubs;DSN=3DPublishers"
> tdfLinked.SourceTableName =3D "authors"
> dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Append tdfLinked
> ' Display contents of linked table.
> Debug.Print _
> "Data from linked table connected to first source:"
> RefreshLinkOutput dbsCurrent
> ' Change connection information for linked table and
> ' refresh the connection in order to make the new data
> ' available.
> ' Note: The DSN referenced below must be configured to
> ' use Microsoft Windows NT Authentication Mode to
> ' authorize user access to the Microsoft SQL Server.
> tdfLinked.Connect =3D _
> "ODBC;DATABASE=3Dpubs;DSN=3DNewPublishers"
> tdfLinked.RefreshLink
> ' Display contents of linked table.
> Debug.Print _
> "Data from linked table connected to second source:"
> RefreshLinkOutput dbsCurrent
> ' Delete linked table because this is a demonstration.
> dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Delete tdfLinked.Name
> dbsCurrent.Close
> End Sub
> Sub RefreshLinkOutput(dbsTemp As Database)
> Dim rstRemote As Recordset
> Dim intCount As Integer
> ' Open linked table.
> Set rstRemote =3D _
> dbsTemp.OpenRecordset("AuthorsTable")
> intCount =3D 0
> ' Enumerate Recordset object, but stop at 50 records.
> With rstRemote
> Do While Not .EOF And intCount < 50
> Debug.Print , .Fields(0), .Fields(1)
> intCount =3D intCount + 1
> .MoveNext
> Loop
> If Not .EOF Then Debug.Print , "[more records]"
> .Close
> End With
> End Sub
> Mikhail Berman
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin King-Turner []
> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:27 AM
> To: 'Christine Rose';
> Subject: RE: MyODBC
> You will need MyODBC installed on each client PC, but as it is open
> source software, this is not an issue. It can be freely downloaded from
> the MySQL website. If you do decide to distribute the MyODBC bianries
> with your application, then you should also distribute the MyODBC source
> (but you do not need to distribute your own source).
> You only need one instance of MySQL, installed on the database server
> machine.
> In my experience, the biggest issue you will face regards Access linked
> tables. When using Access with MyODBC (or any other ODBC data source
> for that matter), you will almost certainly use Access linked tables
> (and possibly passthrough queries). The implementation issue you have
> is that if you change the definition of the ODBC datasource (e.g. server
> name, database name, userid, password, etc), Access seems to require the
> linked tables to be refreshed using the linked table manager. In your
> scenario, this will require the linked table manager to be available ON
> YOUR CLIENT'S SITE - i.e. you will not simply be able to package and
> distribute your application as you do now. If anyone knows a way around
> this requirement to refresh the linked tables, I'd be very interested to
> hear.......
> Martin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christine Rose []
> Sent: 20 July 2005 10:34
> To:
> Subject: MyODBC
> I am considering using MyODBC to connect to a MySQL database on a web
> server
> from a desktop application developed using Access 2002.
> My desktop application is deployed as a complete package including
> Access
> Runtime files.
> I am currently looking at enhancing the application to include access to
> a
> MYSQL database on a web server and have a number of questions regarding
> the
> use of MyODBC:
> 1. What additional dlls would I need to include in the installation
> package to allow my application to connect to a MYSQL database? Ie. Do
> I
> need to include a copy of MySQL and/or MyODBC only on all client PCs
> running
> my software?
> 2. If I am using MyODBC solely to connect to a MYSQL database on a
> webserver then do I need a license for MyODBC? My clients are licensed
> to
> use my product but do not have the right to the source code.
> Any feedback on the above items will be most appreciated.
> C. Rose
> --
> MySQL ODBC Mailing List
> For list archives:
> To unsubscribe:
> --
> MySQL ODBC Mailing List
> For list archives:
> To unsubscribe:

Greg Fischer
1st Byte Solutions

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe: rg


am 21.07.2005 18:28:15 von Martin King-Turner

Simplest and safest way to avoid any issues is to not distribute MySQL or
MyODBC with your Access app. They're freely downloadable from
anyway, so there's really no need to re-distribute them.

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Fischer []
Sent: 21 July 2005 17:23
To:; Christine Rose
Subject: Re: MyODBC

Not an Attorney, but I think if you have "closed source" app distributed
with Mysql, you need a license. Maybe I am reading wrong, but here's some
links: nse.html

About the dll's, I dont know what is entailed, I bet you could hunt down the
dll's and script it into your app installer somehow.


On 7/20/05, Berman, Mikhail wrote:
> Below is explanation and a sample code to refresh linked table, taking
> from MS-Access help on "Refresh Link" method
> ============================================================ ==========
> ==
> ============================================================ ============
> RefreshLink Method
> Updates the connection information for a linked table (Microsoft Jet
> workspaces only).
> Syntax
> tabledef.RefreshLink
> The tabledef placeholder specifies the TableDef object representing
> the linked table whose connection information you want to update.
> Remarks
> To change the connection information for a linked table, reset the
> Connect property of the corresponding TableDef object and then use the
> RefreshLink method to update the information. Using RefreshLink method
> doesn't change the linked table's properties and Relation objects.
> For this connection information to exist in all collections associated
> with the TableDef object that represents the linked table, you must
> use the Refresh method on each collection.
> ============================================================ ==========
> ==
> ============================================================ =========
> RefreshLink Method Example
> This example uses the RefreshLink method to refresh the data in a
> linked table after its connection has been changed from one data
> source to another. The RefreshLinkOutput procedure is required for
> this procedure to run.
> Sub RefreshLinkX()
> Dim dbsCurrent As Database
> Dim tdfLinked As TableDef
> ' Open a database to which a linked table can be
> ' appended.
> Set dbsCurrent = OpenDatabase("DB1.mdb")
> ' Create a linked table that points to a Microsoft
> ' SQL Server database.
> Set tdfLinked = _
> dbsCurrent.CreateTableDef("AuthorsTable")
> ' Note: The DSN referenced below must be configured to
> ' use Microsoft Windows NT Authentication Mode to
> ' authorize user access to the Microsoft SQL Server.
> tdfLinked.Connect = _
> "ODBC;DATABASE=pubs;DSN=Publishers"
> tdfLinked.SourceTableName = "authors"
> dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Append tdfLinked
> ' Display contents of linked table.
> Debug.Print _
> "Data from linked table connected to first source:"
> RefreshLinkOutput dbsCurrent
> ' Change connection information for linked table and
> ' refresh the connection in order to make the new data
> ' available.
> ' Note: The DSN referenced below must be configured to
> ' use Microsoft Windows NT Authentication Mode to
> ' authorize user access to the Microsoft SQL Server.
> tdfLinked.Connect = _
> "ODBC;DATABASE=pubs;DSN=NewPublishers"
> tdfLinked.RefreshLink
> ' Display contents of linked table.
> Debug.Print _
> "Data from linked table connected to second source:"
> RefreshLinkOutput dbsCurrent
> ' Delete linked table because this is a demonstration.
> dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Delete tdfLinked.Name
> dbsCurrent.Close
> End Sub
> Sub RefreshLinkOutput(dbsTemp As Database)
> Dim rstRemote As Recordset
> Dim intCount As Integer
> ' Open linked table.
> Set rstRemote = _
> dbsTemp.OpenRecordset("AuthorsTable")
> intCount = 0
> ' Enumerate Recordset object, but stop at 50 records.
> With rstRemote
> Do While Not .EOF And intCount < 50
> Debug.Print , .Fields(0), .Fields(1)
> intCount = intCount + 1
> .MoveNext
> Loop
> If Not .EOF Then Debug.Print , "[more records]"
> .Close
> End With
> End Sub
> Mikhail Berman
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin King-Turner []
> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:27 AM
> To: 'Christine Rose';
> Subject: RE: MyODBC
> You will need MyODBC installed on each client PC, but as it is open
> source software, this is not an issue. It can be freely downloaded
> from the MySQL website. If you do decide to distribute the MyODBC
> bianries with your application, then you should also distribute the
> MyODBC source (but you do not need to distribute your own source).
> You only need one instance of MySQL, installed on the database server
> machine.
> In my experience, the biggest issue you will face regards Access
> linked tables. When using Access with MyODBC (or any other ODBC data
> source for that matter), you will almost certainly use Access linked
> tables (and possibly passthrough queries). The implementation issue
> you have is that if you change the definition of the ODBC datasource
> (e.g. server name, database name, userid, password, etc), Access seems
> to require the linked tables to be refreshed using the linked table
> manager. In your scenario, this will require the linked table manager
> to be available ON YOUR CLIENT'S SITE - i.e. you will not simply be
> able to package and distribute your application as you do now. If
> anyone knows a way around this requirement to refresh the linked
> tables, I'd be very interested to hear.......
> Martin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christine Rose []
> Sent: 20 July 2005 10:34
> To:
> Subject: MyODBC
> I am considering using MyODBC to connect to a MySQL database on a web
> server from a desktop application developed using Access 2002.
> My desktop application is deployed as a complete package including
> Access Runtime files.
> I am currently looking at enhancing the application to include access
> to a MYSQL database on a web server and have a number of questions
> regarding the
> use of MyODBC:
> 1. What additional dlls would I need to include in the installation
> package to allow my application to connect to a MYSQL database? Ie.
> Do I need to include a copy of MySQL and/or MyODBC only on all client
> PCs running
> my software?
> 2. If I am using MyODBC solely to connect to a MYSQL database on a
> webserver then do I need a license for MyODBC? My clients are
> licensed to use my product but do not have the right to the source
> code.
> Any feedback on the above items will be most appreciated.
> C. Rose
> --
> MySQL ODBC Mailing List
> For list archives:
> To unsubscribe:
> --
> MySQL ODBC Mailing List
> For list archives:
> To unsubscribe:

Greg Fischer
1st Byte Solutions

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:


am 21.07.2005 18:30:37 von mberman

Dear Greg,

Microsoft produces "Microsoft Office Access2003 Developer Extensions" to
create legal run-time applications, that does not require MS-Access to
be installed on each client's PC.

Mikhail Berman

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Fischer []=20
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 12:23 PM
To:; Christine Rose
Subject: Re: MyODBC

Not an Attorney, but I think if you have "closed source" app distributed
with Mysql, you need a license. Maybe I am reading wrong, but here's
some links: nse.html

About the dll's, I dont know what is entailed, I bet you could hunt down
the dll's and script it into your app installer somehow.


On 7/20/05, Berman, Mikhail wrote:
> Below is explanation and a sample code to refresh linked table, taking

> from MS-Access help on "Refresh Link" method
> =
==================== =====3D=
==================== =====3D=
> ===20
> =
==================== =====3D=
==================== =====3D=
> ==
> RefreshLink Method
> Updates the connection information for a linked table (Microsoft Jet=20
> workspaces only).
> Syntax
> tabledef.RefreshLink
> The tabledef placeholder specifies the TableDef object representing=20
> the linked table whose connection information you want to update.
> Remarks
> To change the connection information for a linked table, reset the=20
> Connect property of the corresponding TableDef object and then use the

> RefreshLink method to update the information. Using RefreshLink method

> doesn't change the linked table's properties and Relation objects.
> For this connection information to exist in all collections associated

> with the TableDef object that represents the linked table, you must=20
> use the Refresh method on each collection.
> =
==================== =====3D=
==================== =====3D=
> ===20
> =
==================== =====3D=
==================== =====3D=
> RefreshLink Method Example
> This example uses the RefreshLink method to refresh the data in a=20
> linked table after its connection has been changed from one data=20
> source to another. The RefreshLinkOutput procedure is required for=20
> this procedure to run.
> Sub RefreshLinkX()
> Dim dbsCurrent As Database
> Dim tdfLinked As TableDef
> ' Open a database to which a linked table can be
> ' appended.
> Set dbsCurrent =3D OpenDatabase("DB1.mdb")
> ' Create a linked table that points to a Microsoft
> ' SQL Server database.
> Set tdfLinked =3D _
> dbsCurrent.CreateTableDef("AuthorsTable")
> ' Note: The DSN referenced below must be configured to
> ' use Microsoft Windows NT Authentication Mode to
> ' authorize user access to the Microsoft SQL Server.
> tdfLinked.Connect =3D _
> "ODBC;DATABASE=3Dpubs;DSN=3DPublishers"
> tdfLinked.SourceTableName =3D "authors"
> dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Append tdfLinked
> ' Display contents of linked table.
> Debug.Print _
> "Data from linked table connected to first source:"
> RefreshLinkOutput dbsCurrent
> ' Change connection information for linked table and
> ' refresh the connection in order to make the new data
> ' available.
> ' Note: The DSN referenced below must be configured to
> ' use Microsoft Windows NT Authentication Mode to
> ' authorize user access to the Microsoft SQL Server.
> tdfLinked.Connect =3D _
> "ODBC;DATABASE=3Dpubs;DSN=3DNewPublishers"
> tdfLinked.RefreshLink
> ' Display contents of linked table.
> Debug.Print _
> "Data from linked table connected to second source:"
> RefreshLinkOutput dbsCurrent
> ' Delete linked table because this is a demonstration.
> dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Delete tdfLinked.Name
> dbsCurrent.Close
> End Sub
> Sub RefreshLinkOutput(dbsTemp As Database)
> Dim rstRemote As Recordset
> Dim intCount As Integer
> ' Open linked table.
> Set rstRemote =3D _
> dbsTemp.OpenRecordset("AuthorsTable")
> intCount =3D 0
> ' Enumerate Recordset object, but stop at 50 records.
> With rstRemote
> Do While Not .EOF And intCount < 50
> Debug.Print , .Fields(0), .Fields(1)
> intCount =3D intCount + 1
> .MoveNext
> Loop
> If Not .EOF Then Debug.Print , "[more records]"
> .Close
> End With
> End Sub
> Mikhail Berman
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin King-Turner []
> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:27 AM
> To: 'Christine Rose';
> Subject: RE: MyODBC
> You will need MyODBC installed on each client PC, but as it is open=20
> source software, this is not an issue. It can be freely downloaded=20
> from the MySQL website. If you do decide to distribute the MyODBC=20
> bianries with your application, then you should also distribute the=20
> MyODBC source (but you do not need to distribute your own source).
> You only need one instance of MySQL, installed on the database server=20
> machine.
> In my experience, the biggest issue you will face regards Access=20
> linked tables. When using Access with MyODBC (or any other ODBC data=20
> source for that matter), you will almost certainly use Access linked=20
> tables (and possibly passthrough queries). The implementation issue=20
> you have is that if you change the definition of the ODBC datasource=20
> (e.g. server name, database name, userid, password, etc), Access seems

> to require the linked tables to be refreshed using the linked table=20
> manager. In your scenario, this will require the linked table manager

> to be available ON YOUR CLIENT'S SITE - i.e. you will not simply be=20
> able to package and distribute your application as you do now. If=20
> anyone knows a way around this requirement to refresh the linked=20
> tables, I'd be very interested to hear.......
> Martin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christine Rose []
> Sent: 20 July 2005 10:34
> To:
> Subject: MyODBC
> I am considering using MyODBC to connect to a MySQL database on a web=20
> server from a desktop application developed using Access 2002.
> My desktop application is deployed as a complete package including=20
> Access Runtime files.
> I am currently looking at enhancing the application to include access=20
> to a MYSQL database on a web server and have a number of questions=20
> regarding the use of MyODBC:
> 1. What additional dlls would I need to include in the
> package to allow my application to connect to a MYSQL database? Ie. =20
> Do I need to include a copy of MySQL and/or MyODBC only on all client=20
> PCs running my software?
> 2. If I am using MyODBC solely to connect to a MYSQL database on
> webserver then do I need a license for MyODBC? My clients are=20
> licensed to use my product but do not have the right to the source=20
> code.
> Any feedback on the above items will be most appreciated.
> C. Rose
> --
> MySQL ODBC Mailing List
> For list archives: To unsubscribe:
> --
> MySQL ODBC Mailing List
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Greg Fischer
1st Byte Solutions

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
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MySQL ODBC Mailing List
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am 21.07.2005 23:02:56 von Greg Fischer

I think the question was about MyODBC licensing, was it not? Access
has nothing to do with it. But I am glad you brought that up if
someone else needed to know.

On 7/21/05, Berman, Mikhail wrote:
> Dear Greg,
> Microsoft produces "Microsoft Office Access2003 Developer Extensions" to
> create legal run-time applications, that does not require MS-Access to
> be installed on each client's PC.
> Mikhail Berman
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Fischer []
> Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 12:23 PM
> To:; Christine Rose
> Subject: Re: MyODBC
> Not an Attorney, but I think if you have "closed source" app distributed
> with Mysql, you need a license. Maybe I am reading wrong, but here's
> some links:
> nse.html
> About the dll's, I dont know what is entailed, I bet you could hunt down
> the dll's and script it into your app installer somehow.
> Greg
> On 7/20/05, Berman, Mikhail wrote:
> >
> > Below is explanation and a sample code to refresh linked table, taking
> > from MS-Access help on "Refresh Link" method
> >
> > ==================== ===3D=
==================== =====3D=
==================== ==
> > ==
> > ==================== ===3D=
==================== =====3D=
==================== ==
> > ==
> > RefreshLink Method
> >
> >
> > Updates the connection information for a linked table (Microsoft Jet
> > workspaces only).
> >
> > Syntax
> >
> > tabledef.RefreshLink
> >
> > The tabledef placeholder specifies the TableDef object representing
> > the linked table whose connection information you want to update.
> >
> > Remarks
> >
> > To change the connection information for a linked table, reset the
> > Connect property of the corresponding TableDef object and then use the
> > RefreshLink method to update the information. Using RefreshLink method
> > doesn't change the linked table's properties and Relation objects.
> >
> > For this connection information to exist in all collections associated
> > with the TableDef object that represents the linked table, you must
> > use the Refresh method on each collection.
> >
> > ==================== ===3D=
==================== =====3D=
==================== ==
> > ==
> > ==================== ===3D=
==================== =====3D=
==================== =3D
> >
> > RefreshLink Method Example
> >
> > This example uses the RefreshLink method to refresh the data in a
> > linked table after its connection has been changed from one data
> > source to another. The RefreshLinkOutput procedure is required for
> > this procedure to run.
> >
> > Sub RefreshLinkX()
> >
> > Dim dbsCurrent As Database
> > Dim tdfLinked As TableDef
> >
> > ' Open a database to which a linked table can be
> > ' appended.
> > Set dbsCurrent =3D OpenDatabase("DB1.mdb")
> >
> > ' Create a linked table that points to a Microsoft
> > ' SQL Server database.
> > Set tdfLinked =3D _
> > dbsCurrent.CreateTableDef("AuthorsTable")
> >
> > ' Note: The DSN referenced below must be configured to
> > ' use Microsoft Windows NT Authentication Mode to
> > ' authorize user access to the Microsoft SQL Server.
> > tdfLinked.Connect =3D _
> > "ODBC;DATABASE=3Dpubs;DSN=3DPublishers"
> > tdfLinked.SourceTableName =3D "authors"
> > dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Append tdfLinked
> >
> > ' Display contents of linked table.
> > Debug.Print _
> > "Data from linked table connected to first source:"
> > RefreshLinkOutput dbsCurrent
> >
> > ' Change connection information for linked table and
> > ' refresh the connection in order to make the new data
> > ' available.
> >
> > ' Note: The DSN referenced below must be configured to
> > ' use Microsoft Windows NT Authentication Mode to
> > ' authorize user access to the Microsoft SQL Server.
> > tdfLinked.Connect =3D _
> > "ODBC;DATABASE=3Dpubs;DSN=3DNewPublishers"
> > tdfLinked.RefreshLink
> >
> > ' Display contents of linked table.
> > Debug.Print _
> > "Data from linked table connected to second source:"
> > RefreshLinkOutput dbsCurrent
> >
> > ' Delete linked table because this is a demonstration.
> > dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Delete tdfLinked.Name
> >
> > dbsCurrent.Close
> >
> > End Sub
> >
> > Sub RefreshLinkOutput(dbsTemp As Database)
> >
> > Dim rstRemote As Recordset
> > Dim intCount As Integer
> >
> > ' Open linked table.
> > Set rstRemote =3D _
> > dbsTemp.OpenRecordset("AuthorsTable")
> >
> > intCount =3D 0
> >
> > ' Enumerate Recordset object, but stop at 50 records.
> > With rstRemote
> > Do While Not .EOF And intCount < 50
> > Debug.Print , .Fields(0), .Fields(1)
> > intCount =3D intCount + 1
> > .MoveNext
> > Loop
> > If Not .EOF Then Debug.Print , "[more records]"
> > .Close
> > End With
> >
> > End Sub
> >
> >
> > Mikhail Berman
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Martin King-Turner []
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:27 AM
> > To: 'Christine Rose';
> > Subject: RE: MyODBC
> >
> > You will need MyODBC installed on each client PC, but as it is open
> > source software, this is not an issue. It can be freely downloaded
> > from the MySQL website. If you do decide to distribute the MyODBC
> > bianries with your application, then you should also distribute the
> > MyODBC source (but you do not need to distribute your own source).
> >
> > You only need one instance of MySQL, installed on the database server
> > machine.
> >
> > In my experience, the biggest issue you will face regards Access
> > linked tables. When using Access with MyODBC (or any other ODBC data
> > source for that matter), you will almost certainly use Access linked
> > tables (and possibly passthrough queries). The implementation issue
> > you have is that if you change the definition of the ODBC datasource
> > (e.g. server name, database name, userid, password, etc), Access seems
> > to require the linked tables to be refreshed using the linked table
> > manager. In your scenario, this will require the linked table manager
> > to be available ON YOUR CLIENT'S SITE - i.e. you will not simply be
> > able to package and distribute your application as you do now. If
> > anyone knows a way around this requirement to refresh the linked
> > tables, I'd be very interested to hear.......
> >
> > Martin
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Christine Rose []
> > Sent: 20 July 2005 10:34
> > To:
> > Subject: MyODBC
> >
> >
> > I am considering using MyODBC to connect to a MySQL database on a web
> > server from a desktop application developed using Access 2002.
> >
> >
> >
> > My desktop application is deployed as a complete package including
> > Access Runtime files.
> >
> >
> >
> > I am currently looking at enhancing the application to include access
> > to a MYSQL database on a web server and have a number of questions
> > regarding the use of MyODBC:
> >
> > 1. What additional dlls would I need to include in the
> installation
> > package to allow my application to connect to a MYSQL database? Ie.
> > Do I need to include a copy of MySQL and/or MyODBC only on all client
> > PCs running my software?
> >
> > 2. If I am using MyODBC solely to connect to a MYSQL database on
> a
> > webserver then do I need a license for MyODBC? My clients are
> > licensed to use my product but do not have the right to the source
> > code.
> >
> >
> >
> > Any feedback on the above items will be most appreciated.
> >
> >
> >
> > C. Rose
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > MySQL ODBC Mailing List
> > For list archives: To unsubscribe:
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > MySQL ODBC Mailing List
> > For list archives:
> > To unsubscribe:
> >
> >
> --
> Greg Fischer
> 1st Byte Solutions
> --
> MySQL ODBC Mailing List
> For list archives:
> To unsubscribe:

Greg Fischer
1st Byte Solutions

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
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