Re: Update a counter when a link is clicked
am 27.04.2006 23:21:22 von Ian DaviesThanks for your advice
Your code was just what I was looking for
It is updating the table with the counter but it is not bringing up the file
to download any more
The modified code is as follows
The $Link returns the full path to the file (from the same table as the
count field)
In my increase counter.php I have
$filename = $_GET["filename"];
echo $filename;
$Query = mysql_query("UPDATE Resources SET count = count + 1 WHERE Link =
header("Location: $filename");
I put the echo in just to check the file name is correct
which it is as it is used in the SQLs WHERE clause and it updates the record
as I mentioned earlier
But the file to download is not appearing. Can you see what is wrong
The address in the browser window is as follows if it helps
which appears to be wrong
when the file was downloading previously the address would have been
Any clues
"Erwin Moller"
message news:44507887$0$31652$
> Ian Davies wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > I have seen some tutorials to put a update a counter field in a record.
> > have the counter field in a table that also has a field for a path to
> > file.
> >
> > I display the records in a table on a web page e.g.
> >
> > IndexNo ............Title................................ Link
> > ................................... Count
> >
......1.............MyFileName........www.mysite/files/MyFil eName.doc........
> > .....0
> > etc
> >
> > User can click on the Link field in the table to download the file.
> >
> > The problem is I can't find a way that will run an update query along
> > lines of
> >
> > $Query = mysql_query("UPDATE Resources SET Count = Count + 1 WHERE
> > IndexNo
> > = '$IndexNo');
> >
> > when the user clicks the link
> >
> > Can anyone suggest a way or direct me to a tutorial
> >
> > Thanks
> > Ian
> Hi,
> Your question is very clear, but if I understand right, this may help:
> 1) Make a link to a increasecounter.php and add the filename:
> 2) In increasecounter.php:
> $filename = $_GET["filename"];
> // do your update in the db here
> 3) Redirect to the file
> header("Location: MyFileName.doc");
> exit;
> Regards,
> Erwin Moller