FAQ 8.13 How do I trap control characters/signals? Beiträge: 0
perl DBI OO Beiträge: 8
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OLE::Variant array of strings Beiträge: 0
Help: How to delete the first character from a line? Beiträge: 6
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Palm::PDB: How to compose a PDB? Beiträge: 0
(Re)announcing APL 2007 Beiträge: 5
unable to use perl on windows Beiträge: 9
FAQ 8.44 How do I tell the difference between errors from the shell and perl? Beiträge: 0
Replacing a line Beiträge: 13
FAQ 5.33 How do I close a file descriptor by number? Beiträge: 0
Re: : Biggest worldwide Asian free Video multi language web , Travel, Sports, Racing c Beiträge: 0
Software error using CGI::Session - Your vendor has not defined Fcntl macro O_NOFOLLOW Beiträge: 3
FAQ 7.18 What"s the difference between deep and shallow binding? Beiträge: 0
Regular Expression: Perl and vi Beiträge: 3
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format a number with leading and trailing zeros Beiträge: 4
FAQ 6.1 How can I hope to use regular expressions without creating illegible and unmaintainable code Beiträge: 0
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